Table 1

Patients’ characteristics at start of the TNFi treatment

Taper (N=458)Continue (N=747)p Value
Mean age in years (SD)53 (13)54 (12)56 (13)0.061
Female gender in %6069670.201
RF positive in %6873670.063
Presence of erosions in %5967590.054
Median disease duration in years (IQR)4 (1–12)4 (2–11)5 (2–11)0.770
Mean DAS28 (SD)4.9 (1.2)4.8 (1.4)4.9 (1.3)0.764
Mean HAQ-DI (SD)1.3 (0.6)1.3 (0.7)1.3 (0.6)0.441
Median MTX dose in mg (IQR)15 (15–25)25 (20–25)15 (10–25)0.000
Type of TNFi in % (n)0.079
Adalimumab38.1 (48)44.3 (203)40.3 (301)
Etanercept50.0 (63)44.8 (205)46.2 (345)
Infliximab9.5 (12)10.9 (50)12.3 (92)
Certolizumab pegol0 (0)0 (0)0.4 (3)
Golimumab2.4 (3)0 (0)0.8 (6)
Median number of previous DMARDs (IQR)3 (2–4)3 (2–3)3 (2–4)0.043
Number of present DMARDs* in % (n) 0.107
 170.6 (89)73.4 (336)66.1 (494)
 227.0 (34)24.0 (110)30.0 (224)
 <22.4 (3)2.6 (12)3.8 (28)
  • *These are without prednisone; prednisone was prescribed for 28% in the discontinuation group; for 25% in the taper group and for 31% in the continuation group.

  • Bold typeface indicates significance at p<0.05.

  • DAS28, Disease Activity Score of 28 joints; DMARDs, disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs; HAQ-DI, Health Assessment Questionnaire Disability Index; MTX, methotrexate; RF, rheumatoid factor; TNFi, tumour necrosis factor inhibitor.