TableĀ 3

Summary of diagnosis studies detailing US imaging in CPPD separated by type of pattern

Type of pattern studiedStudyPrevalence of pattern by siteSensitivitySpecificity
Hyaline cartilageEllabban et al17Knee 28.1%, wrist 0%NDND
Filippou et al16Knee 30.7%NDND
Filippucci et al15NDKnee 68.7%Knee 97.6%
Gutierrez et al20NDKnee 59.5%Knee 96.4%
Fibrous cartilage and tendonsEllabban et al17Wrist 56.25%, knee 100%NDND
Filippou et al16Knee 100%NDND
Falsetti et al18NDAT 57.9%, PF 15.8%AT 100%, PF 96%
Ellabban et al21NDAT 57.9%, PF 15.8%AT 100%, PF 100%
Gutierrez et al20NDKnee 90.5%Knee 97.5%
Bursa/articular recessesFilippou et al16Knee 23.7%NDND
Foldes et al19Knee 29.41%NDND
  • CPPD, calcium pyrophosphate deposition; AT, Achilles tendon; ND, not defined; PF, plantar fascia.