Table 3

Number of reported adverse events and serious adverse events

Sequential monotherapyStep-up combination therapyInitial combination with prednisoneInitial combination with infliximabp Value
0–1 year follow-up
 AE, n*315141340.414
 SAE, n*33610.400
0–10 year follow-up
 Total AE, n*2932923683120.872
 Patients with AE, n (%)363955410.113
 Total SAE, n*503360430.183
 Patients with SAE, n (%)25 (63)19 (42)27 (48)22 (51)0.300
 Patients with serious infection, n (%)9 (23)5 (11)5 (9)3 (7)0.124
 Patients with malignancy, n (%)3 (8)2 (4)8 (14)6 (14)0.310
 Deceased, n†14140.220
  • *More events per patient possible.

  • †Causes of death, group 1: 1 ischaemic colon after complicated diverticulitis surgery; group 2: 1 lung carcinoma, 1 stomach cancer, 2 unknown; group 3: 1 lung carcinoma; group 4: 1 oesophagus carcinoma, 1 cardiac arrest, 1 lung carcinoma, 1 unknown.

  • AE, adverse event; SAE, serious adverse event.