Table 2

Baseline disease characteristics for patients who experienced disease flare and those who did not during the first 28 weeks (total and in the two treatment arms)

 AM ArmM ArmAll patients
Flare (n=8)No flare (n=8)Flare (n=12)No flare (n=3)Flare (n=20)No flare (n=11)
Age (years, median (IQR))51.5 (35–60.5)59.5 (53–62.8)63.5 (59.5–66)65 (33–65)61.5 (53.8–65.5)61 (52–65)
Disease duration (years, median (IQR))11.2 (7.0–22.3)4.8 (3.0–8.2)10.9 (5.2–21.9)5.5 (4.8–14.6)10.9 (5.7–21.9)5.2 (3.7–8.2)
Time from RA diagnosis to ADA (years, median (IQR))8.5 (3.4–20.7)2.5 (0.5–3.3)7.6 (4.1–16.2)4.8 (3.8–10.3)8.5 (4.1–16.3)3 (1–4.8)
Time on ADA treatment (years, median (IQR))2.0 (1.2–4.1)2.4 (0.7–4.7)3.8 (1.5–4.3)1.0 (0.7–1.0)3.0 (1.4–4.2)2.3 (0.7–4.3)
DAS282.4 (2.1–2.5)1.8 (1.3–2.3)1.7 (1.5–2.5)1.7 (0.5–1.8)2.3 (1.7–2.5)1.7 (1.3–1.9)
SJC0 (0–1.75)0 (0–0)0 (0–1)0 (0–0)0 (0–1)0 (0–0)
TJC0.5 (0–2)0.5 (0–1.8)0 (0–1)0 (0–0)0 (0–1.8)0 (0–1)
ESR (mm Hg)9 (5.8–15.5)6 (4.5–10.5)8 (5–10)10 (2–10)8 (5–11)6 (4–10)
CRP (mg/L)3 (1.1–5.0)4.5 (0.6–7.0)4.5 (2.5–6.6)2.9 (1.4–5)4 (1.6–5.2)2.9 (1–7)
GH10 (8–20.5)6 (1.5–7.8)5.5 (0.5–10)5 (1–13)8 (4.3–15.3)6 (1–8)
HAQ0.3 (0–0.9)0.13 (0–0.7)0.4 (0.1–0.7)0.4 (0.3–0.5)0.4 (0–0.7)0.3 (0–0.5)
MTX dose (mg)20 (15–20)20 (15–20)18.75 (10.6–20)20 (10–20)20 (13.1–20)20 (15–20)
  • Values in bold differ significantly between the flare and no flare groups (p<0.05).

  • ADA, adalimumab; CRP, C reactive protein; DAS28, Disease Activity Score based on 28 joints; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; GH, global health assessment (patient visual analogue scale); HAQ, Health Assessment Questionnaire; MTX, methotrexate; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; SJC, swollen joint count; TJC, tender joint count.