Table 3

Assessment of possible effect modifiers on the relation of BMI on CRP in the whole population (428 patients), and on the relation of BMI on ASDAS-CRP in axSpA patients (168 patients) by linear regression modelling

n=428 (whole population)βSE95% CIp Value
BMI1.141.30−1.41 to 3.700.38
Age0.782.52−4.16 to 5.730.76
BMI x age−1.021.72−4.41 to 2.360.55
BMI−6.122.86−11.74 to −0.500.03
Gender−5.492.50−10.40 to −0.580.03
BMI x gender4.011.680.70 to 7.320.02
n=168 (axSpA population)βSE95% CIp Value
BMI0.310.22−0.12 to 0.740.16
Age0.150.42−0.69 to 0.980.73
BMI x age−0.170.31−0.77 to 0.430.58
BMI0.290.48−0.65 to 1.230.54
Gender0.250.42−0.57 to 1.070.54
BMI x gender−0.050.30−0.64 to 0.550.88
  • p Value in bold: with statistical significance.

  • x=interaction term.

  • ASDAS, Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score; axSpA, axial spondyloarthritis; BMI, body mass index; CRP, C reactive protein; β, unstandardised β coefficient.