Table 2

The number and percentages of tender joints at baseline, and after 12 and 24 weeks of treatment as a function of the scintigraphic status at baseline

Scintigraphic negativeScintigraphic positiveORp Value
All patientsNo tendernessTendernessNo tendernessTenderness
Tender joints at baseline1057 (91.8%)95 (8.2%)94 (56.3%)73 (43.7%)8.60<0.001
Not tender anymore at w12 or w24Remains tender at w12 or w24Not tender anymore at w12 or w24Remains tender at w12 or w24
Tender joints at w1269 (72.6%)26 (27.4%)58 (79.5%)15 (20.5%)0.690.309
Tender joints at w2465 (68.4%)30 (31.6%)64 (87.7%)9 (12.3%)0.300.004
  • w12, week 12; w24, week 24.