Table 3

The number and percentages of swollen joints at baseline, and after 12 and 24 weeks of treatment as a function of the scintigraphic status at baseline

All patientsScintigraphic negativeScintigraphic positiveORp Value
No swellingSwellingNo swellingSwelling
Swollen joints at baseline1059 (98.3%)18 (1.7%)104 (62.3%)63 (37.7%)36.85<0.001
Not swollen anymore at w12 or w24Remains swollen at w12 or w24Not swollen anymore at w12 or w24Remains swollen at w12 or w24
Swollen joints at w1218056 (88.9%)7 (11.1%)*0.339
Swollen joints at w2418058 (92.1%)5 (7.9%)*0.581
  • The OR refers to the odds of a joint being tender and/or swollen in the scintigraphic-positive as compared with the scintigraphic-negative group. For all tests, p values <0.05 are considered to indicate statistical significance.

  • *ORs for swollen joint count could not be estimated due to the fact that one cell, that is, scintigraphic-negative symptom has frequency zero.

  • w12, week 12; w24, week 24.