Table 2

Secondary efficacy results (full analysis population)

ParameterVisitModified-release prednisone (N=32)Immediate-release prednisone (N=30)Estimate (95% confidence limit)*p Value for treatment difference
nMean (SD)†nMean (SD)†
PMR VAS (0–100 scale)Baseline3280.7 (12.88)3081.0 (11.70)
Week 131−37.1 (25.70)30−28.2 (27.55)−9.3 (−22.97 to 4.30)0.176
Week 427−70.4 (20.81)23−59.8 (24.02)−12.8 (−22.58 to −3.05)0.011
PMR VAS at awakening (0–100 scale)Baseline3281.7 (17.26)3085.9 (9.68)
Week 132−36.6 (29.40)30−29.4 (29.78)−10.9 (−25.45 to 3.61)0.138
Week 427−70.7 (18.72)23−63.7 (23.25)−11.6 (−21.33 to −1.79)0.021
Duration of morning stiffness (minutes)Baseline32530 (531.0)30616 (591.0)
Week 131−326 (435.3)30−160 (412.4)134.5 (18.50 to 250.50)‡0.021
Week 427−457 (517.9)23−417 (574.7)46.9 (−110.00 to 203.83)‡0.592
Global pain VAS (0–100 scale)Baseline3280.0 (13.14)3078.2 (13.96)
Week 131−36.2 (26.73)30−27.1 (27.96)−7.5 (−21.10 to 6.11)0.275
Week 427−68.7 (21.73)23−55.5 (25.55)−13.6 (−23.23 to −3.26)0.011
Global pain VAS at awakening (0–100 scale)Baseline3280.6 (18.94)3083.4 (13.13)
Week 132−35.2 (30.03)30−28.5 (32.46)−9.1 (−23.78 to 5.57)0.219
Week 427−69.3 (20.67)23−60.9 (28.28)−12.3 (−23.23 to −1.42)0.028
Shoulder pain VAS (0–100 scale)Baseline3281.0 (13.31)3079.9 (13.01)
Week 131−36.9 (26.85)30−28.4 (28.67)−7.4 (−21.55 to 6.66)0.295
Week 427−68.4 (21.46)23−57.7 (25.92)−11.1 (−21.30 to −0.91)0.033
Fatigue VAS (0–100 scale)Baseline3272.9 (19.31)3075.7 (14.31)
Week 131−29.8 (24.94)30−24.6 (27.66)−7.8 (−20.67 to 5.07)0.230
Week 427−59.4 (27.34)23−57.6 (23.16)−6.4 (−16.76 to 4.05)0.225
C reactive protein (mg/L)Baseline3250.6 (32.34)3069.6 (49.38)
Week 130−40.8 (27.46)30−48.9 (44.27)−6.2 (−13.61 to 1.22)0.100
Week 427−44.0 (32.24)23−52.9 (48.33)−8.0 (−16.37 to 0.37)0.060
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (mm/hour)Baseline3266.5 (21.62)3068.3 (22.84)
Week 129−25.8 (17.03)35−23.9 (15.29)
Week 431−38.8 (24.14)25−40.1 (23.65)Not estimable§
Interleukin-6 (pg/mL)Screening2841.4 (34.97)3040.9 (35.18)
Week 419−37.4 (41.27)22−29.8 (32.61)−6.5 (−11.84 to −1.23)0.017
  • Larger decreases from baseline represent a favourable treatment effect for all secondary efficacy end points.

  • *Estimates are least square means with confidence limits from a repeated measures analysis of covariance model, if not stated otherwise.

  • †Raw mean at screening/baseline and mean change from baseline at weeks 1 and 4.

  • ‡Estimates and confidence limits stem from the Hodges-Lehmann method.

  • §Convergence criteria not met.

  • PMR, polymyalgia rheumatica; VAS, visual analogue scale.