Table 3

Clinical, laboratory and imaging parameters at baseline in FORCAST patients matched for age, symptom duration and follow-up duration according to the presence (damage) or absence (lack of damage) of any syndesmophytes or ankylosis on cervical and lumbar spine radiographs*

Damage (n=81)Lack of damage (n=42)p Value
Age (mean (SD))41.80 (8.64)39.48 (9.03)0.13
Males (N (%))66 (82.5%)24 (57.0%)0.004
Smoking pack years (mean (SD))6.92 (9.49)5.69 (9.12)0.94
Current smoker (N (%))15 (23.4%)8 (25.0%)1.000
Pack years >10 (N (%))21 (33.9%)5 (16.1%)0.089
TNFi treated (N (%))50 (62.5%)23 (54.8%)0.44
NSAID treated (N (%))65 (81.2%)33 (78.6%)0.81
HLA-B27 positive (N (%))58 (81.7%)29 (76.3%)0.617
BASDAI (mean (SD))5.38 (2.49)5.09 (2.52)0.44
ASDAS (mean (SD))4.00 (1.34)3.44 (1.56)0.061
CRP (mean (SD))14.32 (15.89)9.22 (10.74)0.02
SPARCC SIJ inflammation (mean (SD))6.04 (9.03)7.54 (8.46)0.22
SPARCC SIJ>2 (N (%))16 (35.6%)15 (55.6%)0.14
SSS fat metaplasia (mean (SD))4.69 (6.23)1.91 (3.44)0.029
SSS fat metaplasia ≥2 (N (%))18 (40.0%)6 (20.7%)0.13
SSS erosion (mean (SD))2.69 (3.98)4.16 (3.74)0.019
SSS erosion ≥2 (N (%))14 (31.1%)14 (48.3%)0.15
SSS backfill (mean (SD))4.22 (4.92)1.76 (2.25)0.051
SSS backfill ≥2 (N (%))13 (28.9%)5 (17.2%)0.28
SSS ankylosis (mean (SD))8.98 (8.92)2.41 (4.60)0.003
SSS ankylosis >2 (N (%))24 (53.3%)6 (20.7%)0.007
  • *Mean (SD) duration of symptoms and prospective follow-up was 18.0 (7.0) and 2.3 (0.49) years in those cases lacking damage and 17.5 (8.2) and 2.6 (1.4) years in those with damage.

  • ASDAS, Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score; BASDAI, Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index; CRP, C-reactive protein; FORCAST, Follow Up Research Cohort in Ankylosing Spondylitis; HLA, human-leucocyte-antigen; NSAID, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug; SPARCC, Spondyloarthritis Research Consortium of Canada; SSS, SPARCC MRI SIJ Structural Scoring; TNFi, tumour necrosis factor inhibitor.