Table 2

Improvement from baseline in SPARCC (SI joints) and Berlin (spine) at week 12 of the RAPID-axSpA trial for all patients in the imaging set (observed data)

CZP (dose combined)Placebo
NMean score at baseline (SD)*Mean score at week 12 (SD)Mean change from baseline (SD)NMean score at baseline (SD)*Mean score at week 12 (SD)Mean change from baseline (SD)p Value†
SPARCC (SI joints)
 axSpA976.9 (10.4)2.1 (4.1)−4.8 (8.6)4512.9 (16.6)11.2 (14.5)−1.6 (7.8)<0.001
 r-axSpA586.5 (10.8)1.5 (3.6)−5.0 (9.1)2813.3 (18.0)9.9 (14.4)−3.4 (8.9)<0.001
 nr-axSpA397.4 (9.9)2.9 (4.7)−4.4 (7.9)1712.2 (14.5)13.4 (14.9)1.2 (4.6)<0.001
Berlin (spine)
 axSpA994.4 (5.4)1.4 (2.4)−2.9 (4.2)494.9 (7.4)5.2 (7.3)0.2 (4.8)<0.001
 r-axSpA605.3 (5.9)1.8 (2.8)−3.6 (4.7)325.5 (7.0)5.8 (6.5)0.2 (5.8)<0.001
 nr-axSpA392.9 (4.2)0.9 (1.4)−2.0 (3.2)173.7 (8.3)4.0 (8.7)0.3 (1.6)0.006
  • *Matched baseline readings; in the week 96 reading campaign, MRIs from each previous visit were reread.

  • †Difference to placebo in mean change from baseline scores using an ANCOVA model with treatment, region, mNY criteria (yes or no; for the axSpA analysis only) and prior anti-TNF exposure (yes or no) as factors and baseline score as covariate.

  • ANCOVA, analysis of covariance; axSpA, axial spondyloarthritis; CZP, certolizumab pegol; mNY, modified New York; nr-axSpA, non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis; r-axSpA, radiographic axial spondyloarthritis; SI, sacroiliac; SPARCC, Spondyloarthritis Research Consortium of Canada; TNF, tumour necrosis factor.