Table 1

Demographic data of the whole SWEFOT population versus the study cohort

DemographicSWEFOT patients (n=487)Study patients (n=119)p Value
Female sex, n (%)344 (70.6)93 (78.2)0.13
ACPA pos, n (%)310 (63.7)60 (57.7)0.25
RF pos, n (%)333 (68.4)76 (65.0)0.47
DAS28, mean (SD)5.73 (1.01)5.64 (0.95)0.39
ESR (mm), mean (SD)39.8 (28.1)37.5 (24.3)0.45
CRP (mg/L), mean (SD)33.7 (42.4)34.8 (38.1)0.69
HAQ, mean (SD)1.19 (0.58)1.18 (0.56)0.95
SHS, mean (SD)4.54 (8.01)4.49 (8.20)0.74
JSN, mean (SD)2.63 (7.08)2.45 (5.68)0.50
Erosion score, mean (SD)1.91 (3.75)2.03 (3.70)0.34
  • ACPA, anticitrullinated peptide antibody; CRP, C reactive protein; DAS28, Disease Activity Score of 28 joints; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; HAQ, Health Assessment Questionnaire; JSN, joint space narrowing; Pos, positive; RF, rheumatoid factor; SHS, modified Sharp van der Heijde Score; SWEFOT, SWEdish FarmacOTherapy.