Table 4

Lifestyle factors before and during pregnancy in anti-Ro/SSA positive women

CHB pregnancies Non-CHB pregnancies OR (95% CI) p Value p Trend
I. Outdoor activity during daytime*,†, % (frequency) 0.01
 A few hours/day48 (37/77)64 (64/100)0.52 (0.27 to 0.99)0.04
 A few hours/week43 (33/77)31 (31/100)1.66 (0.85 to 3.25)0.12
 A few hours/month or never‡9 (7/77)5 (5/100)1.89 (0.49 to 7.90)0.37
II. Sun exposure*, % (frequency)
 Increased sun exposure5 (4/79)2 (2/108)2.81 (0.39 to 31.82)n.s
 Decreased sun exposure21 (16/76)24 (25/106)0.86 (0.39 to 1.86)n.s
 Sunbathing outsiden.s
  daily13 (10/79)15 (16/106)0.82 (0.31 to 2.05)n.s
  regularly27 (21/79)25 (26/106)1.11 (0.53 to 2.28)n.s
  sparsely37 (29/79)37 (39/106)1.00 (0.51 to 1.90)n.s
  never24 (19/79)24 (25/106)1.03 (0.48 to 2.14)n.s
  A few times /week0 (0/80)1 (1/108)0.67 (0.01 to 13.04)§ n.s
  A few times/month5 (4/80)5 (5/108)1.08 (0.20 to 5.22)n.s
  never95 (76/80)95 (102/108)1.12 (0.25 to 5.58)n.s
 Trip abroad with increased sun exposure10 (8/77)8 (9/108)1.27 (0.40 to 3.93)n.s
III. Infections* and stressful events*, % (frequency)
 Infectious disease¶28 (21/76)  2 (2/97)17.87 (4.11 to 162.84)0.00013
 Stressful event**11 (8/76)  2 (2/97)5.54 (1.05 to 55.08)0.02
  • *Before week 25 of pregnancy,

  • Examples given were games, sports, walks, gardening, work.

  • Categories few hours/month and never were combined in the table; none answered never.

  • §Haldane’s correction was used for calculation.

  • Includes respiratory tract infections, gastrointestinal tract infections and skin infections.

  • **Death or severe disease of a close relative or own severe disease.

  • CHB, congenital heart block.