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- Published on: 15 September 2020
- Published on: 15 September 2020Systemic glucocorticoid use in the C-VIEW study
Dear Editor,
I read with interest the results of the C-View study (1). In the study it is reported that 17 patients (19%) were on systemic glucocorticoids in the 48-week pre-baseline period, and 6 patients (7%) used systemic glucocorticoid in the certolizumab (CZP) treatment period. The report does not elaborate on the median dose used by each of these groups of people. Adverse events are increase with increasing doses of systemic glucocorticoid and reporting these doses would be of value to help assess the results of the trial.
High doses in the pre-baseline period and low doses in the treatment period could have the effect of reducing the estimated treatment effect of CZP on acute anterior uveitis (AAU). Low doses in the pre-baseline period and high doses in the treatment period could have the opposite effect.
In addition, it was reported that five patients (6%) entered the CZP treatment period with an AAU flare. It was not reported how these patients were assessed for the outcome. Were these flares on entry assumed to be a flare in the CZP treatment period or were only new onset flares in the CZP treatment period counted towards flares in the CZP treatment period?
Philip C. Robinson
University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia1. van der Horst-Bruinsma I, van Bentum R, Verbraak FD, Rath T, Rosenbaum JT, Misterska-Skora M, et al. The impact of certolizumab pegol treatment on the incidence of anterior uveitis flares in patients w...
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PR reports speaking and/or consulting from Abbvie, Eil Lilly, Gilead, Janssen, Novartis, UCB Pharma, Pfizer, Roche, and research grants from Novartis, Janssen and UCB Pharma. Non-financial support from BMS. All outside of this work.