Table 2

Patient counts, event counts and unadjusted incidence rates

Exposure categoriesDescription*Number of patientsTotal patient- years (×100)Cardiovascular events/100 patient- years of exposure
Exposure to anti-TNFAnti-TNF use, with possible use of MTX or other DMARDs40 717768.91.7
Exposure to MTXMTX use with possible use of other DMARDs, but no anti-TNF46 681230.72.0
Exposure to other DMARDsUse of other DMARDs, without use of MTX or anti-TNF26 279129.22.7
  • *Defined hierarchically as in Greenberg et al.29 ,40

  • DMARD, disease-modifying antirheumatic drug; MTX, methotrexate; TNF, tumour necrosis factor.