Table 2

Comparison of MTX rates of adherence across studies

StudyQA scoreQuality ratingAdherence definitionAdherence is primary outcome?Data on predictors of adherence?Data on adherence and outcomes?NMTX adherence rate95% CI/SD
de Klerk et al2212LowPer cent of adherence (ratio)YesYesNo23107%98 to 117
Waimann et al3015HighPer cent of adherence (ratio)YesYesYes7663%20%
Pharmacy refill
Harley et al218HighPer cent of adherent (MPR ≥80%)YesNoNo166864%24 to 102
Grijalva et al2315HighPer cent of adherence (MPR)YesYesNo293380%NP
Grijalva et al259HighPer cent of adherence (MPR)NoNoNoNP59%31 to 82
de Thurah et al2614HighPer cent of non-adherence (CMG)YesYesNo94112%1113
Cannon et al2815HighPer cent of adherent (MPR ≥80%)YesNoYes38484%NP
Contreras-Yanez et al2411LowPer cent of adherent (7-day DRR ≥80%)YesYesYes1078%NP
de Thurah et al2714HighPer cent of non-adherent (CQ-R ≤25th centile)YesYesNo85
BL 23%
9 mo 23%
Salt and Frazier299LowPer cent of adherent (MARS ≥39)YesYesNo7792%NP
  • 9 mo, 9 months; BL, baseline; CMG, continuous medication gap; CQ-R, Compliance Questionnaire-Rheumatology; DRR, Drug Record Registry; MARS, Medication Adherence Revised Scale; MEMS, Medication Event Monitoring System; MPR, medication possession ratio; MTX, methotrexate; NP, information not presented.