Table 3

Use of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry according to initial glucocorticoid prescriber and underlying diagnosis

Overall population
n=14 205
Women <55 years and Men
n=9 828
Women >55 years
n (%)n (%)n (%)
Prescriber's specialty
 Primary-care physician545 (6.9)154 (2.8)391 (16.4)*
 Rheumatologist182 (24.9)44 (11.8)138 (38.8)*
 Pulmonologist20 (5.9)6 (2.4)14 (14.7)δ
 Gastroenterologist14 (6.3)10 (5.1)4 (14.3)NS
 Internist13 (11.5)5 (7.4)8 (17.8)NS
 Other167 (10.1)34 (2.9)86 (18.8)*
 Not recorded281 (8.5)102 (4.5)179 (17.8)*
 Rheumatoid arthritis120 (21.8)31 (11.3)89 (32.2)*
 Autoimmune disease§99 (25.3)18 (10.7)81 (36.2)*
 Chronic respiratory failure21 (4.9)5 (1.8)16 (10.7)δ
 Asthma20 (8.9)4 (3.1)16 (16.3)δ
 Inflammatory bowel disease24 (6.5)17 (5.3)7 (13.5)NS
  • Comparison between Women <55 years and men versus Women >55 years.

  • NSNon significant, *p<10−6, δp<0.05

  • †Specialty of hospital-based physicians was not recorded in the database.

  • ‡Other diagnoses than RA, autoimmune diseases, Chronic respiratory failure, asthma and IBD were miscellaneous conditions with small numbers or unknown.

  • §Defined in this study as systemic lupus erythematosus, Sjögren's syndrome, and polyarteritis nodosa.