Table 3

ILD status at diagnosis of the cases with available information on lung disease in patient chart reviews (n=73) and associations with reported occurrence of inflammatory lung disease and smoking

Yes, n (%)No, n (%)OR (95 CI)p Value
Total12 (16)61 (84)
Exposed to lung disease at study inclusion
 No3 (25)39 (64)Reference
 Yes9* (75)22† (36)5.3 (1.3 to 21.7)0.02
Excluding IBM cases‡
 No3 (25)36 (66)Reference
 Yes9* (75)18§ (33)6.0 (1.4 to 24.9)0.01
Exposed to lung disease before index year
 No5 (45)41 (76)
 Yes6¶ (55)13** (24)3.8 (1.0 to 14.5)0.05
Excluding IBM cases††
 No5 (45)41 (80)Reference
 Yes6¶ (55)10‡‡ (20)4.9 (1.2 to 19.4)0.02
Ever smoker
 No6 (50)35 (57)Reference
 Yes6 (50)26 (43)1.3 (0.4 to 4.7)0.64
  • *Seven cases with pneumonia and two cases with tuberculosis.

  • †Twenty cases with pneumonia (of which one exposed also to tuberculosis) and two cases with sarcoidosis.

  • ‡Five verified (two with pneumonia) and two suspected (both with pneumonia) IBM cases; all negative for ILD.

  • §Sixteen patients with pneumonia (including one case exposed also to tuberculosis) and two with sarcoidosis.

  • ¶Four cases with pneumonia and two cases with tuberculosis.

  • **Eleven patients with pneumonia (including one case exposed also to tuberculosis) and two with sarcoidosis.

  • ††Two verified (with pneumonia) and one suspected (with pneumonia) IBM cases; all negative for ILD.

  • ‡‡Eight patients with pneumonia (including one case exposed also to tuberculosis) and two with sarcoidosis.

  • IBM, inclusion body myositis; ILD, Interstitial lung disease.