Table 2

History of inflammatory lung disease among cases and controls

Total, n (%)100 (100)402 (100)
No reported inflammatory lung disease, n (%)58 (58)290 (72)
Reported inflammatory lung disease at study inclusion, n (%)42 (42)112 (28)
 Pneumonia*35 (35)106 (26)
 Tuberculosis*5 (5)12 (3)
 Sarcoidosis3 (3)1 (0)
Reported inflammatory lung disease before index year, n (%)†22 (22)69 (17)
 Pneumonia‡18 (18)62 (15)
 Tuberculosis‡3 (3)10 (2)
 Sarcoidosis1 (1)1 (0)
Reported inflammatory lung disease after or at index year, n (%)†8 (8)13 (3)
  • *One case and six controls reported both pneumonia and tuberculosis.

  • †Numbers does not add up since 12 cases (29%) and 30 controls (27%) that had reported inflammatory lung disease did not report incidence year.

  • ‡One case and six controls reported both pneumonia and tuberculosis.