Table 1

Baseline characteristics of patients according to concordant/discordant groups*

Positive discordance
Negative discordance
p Value
Age, years53.56±10.6351.89±11.67a51.93±10.06a0.27
Sex (female)153 (91.07)a264 (85.71)a53 (84.13)a0.18
RA duration, years12.22±8.82a10.53±7.63a10.38±8.34a0.08
RF positive152 (90.48)a290 (94.16)a55 (87.30)a0.11
ACPA positive146 (86.90)a285 (92.53)a54 (85.71)a0.07
Erosions79 (47.02)a163 (52.92)a38 (60.32)a0.17
IAD present46 (27.38)a60 (19.48)a10 (15.87)a0.07
Fibromyalgia35 (20.83)a36 (11.69)b5 (7.94)a,b0.01
TJC2.13±3.62a3.98±5.56b10.17± 6.39c<0.001
SJC1.15±1.69a3.18±3.98b11.10± 5.09c<0.001
ESR (mm/hour)31.61±21.01a35.02±22.96a44.65±23.49b<0.001
CRP (mg/dL)0.90±1.15a1.00±1.27a1.64±1.78b<0.001
DAS28-4 ESR3.91±1.12a4.00±1.62a5.59±0.98b<0.001
Prednisone use45 (26.79)a70 (22.73)a14 (22.22)a0.58
Number of csDMARDs1.73±0.97a1.66±0.92a1.63±0.89a0.70
bDMARD use84 (50.00)a144 (46.75)a35 (55.55)a0.41
HAQ-DI1.49±0.72a1.07±0.83b1.32±0.72 a,c<0. 001
Pain5.93±2.33a3.51±2.74b3.79±2.22 a,c<0. 001
PHQ-99.10±6.85a5.69±5.96b5.36±5.27b<0. 001
SF-GH domain39.69±20.02a52.51±22.43b46.83±23.06 a,b<0.001
  • Group comparisons made using χ2 and analysis of variance tests for categorical and continuous variables. p Values for pairwise contrasts are Benjamini-Hochberg adjusted; values in a row with different subscript letters indicate groups that differ significantly (p<0.05).

  • *Values are the mean±SD or number (%).

  • ACPA, anticyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies; bDMARD, biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drug; CDAI, clinical disease activity index; CRP, C-reactive protein; csDMARDs, number of concomitant synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs; DAS28-4 ESR, 28 joint-based disease activity index with ESR; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; HAQ-DI, Health Assessment Questionnaire Disability Index; IAD, irreversible articular damage; PHQ-9, Patient Health Questionnaire-9; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; RF, rheumatoid factor; SDAI, simplified disease activity index; SF-GH, Short-Form Health Survey general health scale; SJC, swelling joint count; TJC, tenderness joint count.