Table 3

Ultrasonography in the preclinical phase of RA

Author, yearStudy populationCases (n)Progression to arthritis (%)Median duration from study entry to diagnosis of arthritis, months (IQR)Median duration of follow-up, months (IQR)Locations scannedUltrasound/measured factorsControls used to define positive USMain result
van de Stadt et al, 201043ACPA+ and/or RF+ arthralgia (secondary care)19245 (23)11 (9)*26 (6–54)Only painful joints and adjacent and contralateral jointsYYYNNAt patient level US abnormalities were not associated with arthritis development.
Pratt et al, 201344Main study on arthritis, 46 patients with new-onset inflammatory arthralgia (secondary care)379†162 (42)NP28 (NP)MCP, PIP and MTP joints, bilaterallyYYNYNThe presence of MSUS abnormalities was not associated with development of persistent inflammatory arthritis in patients presenting with arthralgia, in the absence of clinical synovitis.
Rakieh et al, 201527ACPA+ persons with aspecific musculoskeletal symptoms (primary and secondary care)10050 (50)7.9 (0.1–52)20 (0.1–69)Wrist, MCP and PIP joints, bilaterallyNYNNNPD signal was not associated with arthritis development (HR 1.9, 95% CI 0.8 to 4.2, independent of tenderness of small joints, morning stiffness, RF and/or ACPA and SE).
PPV of PD signal for development of arthritis: 67%.
Van der Ven et al, 201645Arthralgia in ≥2 joints in hands, feet or shoulders <1 year (secondary care)196‡36 (23)NPNP (max 12 months)Wrist, MCP, PIP and MTP joints, bilaterallyYYNNNThe presence of PD signal (OR 3.4, 95% CI 1.7 to 7.0) was associated with development of arthritis, independent of ACPA.
Nam et al, 201646ACPA+ persons with aspecific musculoskeletal symptoms (primary and secondary care)13657 (42)8.6 (0.1–52)18 (0.1–80)Wrist, MCP, PIP and MTP joints, bilaterallyYYNYNBoth GS and PD associated with arthritis development: GS≥2 hour, 2.8 (0.4–20), PD=2 hours, 3.7 (2.0–6.9).
PPV of GS≥2 for development of arthritis was 48% and of PD=2 75%.
Zufferey et al, 201735RF and ACPA polyarthralgia of >6 weeks duration (secondary care)809 (11)NP18 (7)‡Wrist, MCP, PIP, elbow and knee joints, bilaterallyYNNNNUS synovitis at baseline was associated with progression to RA. OR was 7.5 (95% CI 1.2 to 43) for SONAR >8/66 and 10 (95%CI 1.1 to 49) for grade ≥2 in ≥2 joints, independent of gender and CRP.
PPV of US significant synovitis for development of arthritis: 25%.
  • *Mean (SD).

  • †46/379 had a swollen joint count ≥1 at baseline. Outcome was persistent inflammatory arthritis.

  • ‡Only 159 completed the 12 months’ follow-up. Studies depicted in grey have provided absolute risks.

  • ACPA, anticitrullinated protein antibodies; CRP, C reactive protein; GS, greyscale; MCP, metacarpophalangeal; MSUS, musculoskeletal ultrasound; MTP, metatarsophalangeal; N, no; NP, not provided; PD, power Doppler; PIP, proximal interphalangeal; PPV, positive predictive value; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; RF, rheumatoid factor; SE, shared epitope; SONAR, Swiss sonography in arthritis and rheumatism; US=ultrasound; Y, Yes.