Table 2

Mean DAS28-4(ESR), CDAI and HAQ-DI scores in patients who switched treatment regimens during the LTE studies

Mono→combo switchersCombo→mono switchers
5 mg twice daily
10 mg twice daily
5 mg twice daily
10 mg twice daily
Mean DAS28-4(ESR) (SD)3 months before treatment switch3.95 (1.70)4.35 (1.56)3.47 (1.39)3.27 (1.23)
At treatment switch4.11 (1.76)4.73 (1.67)3.27 (1.21)3.17 (1.13)
3 months after treatment switch4.13 (1.71)4.41 (1.60)3.37 (1.31)3.16 (1.13)
6 months after treatment switch3.91 (1.63)4.35 (1.60)3.29 (1.32)3.06 (1.27)
12 months after treatment switch3.44 (1.51)4.24 (1.46)3.53 (1.29)3.20 (1.25)
Mean CDAI (SD)3 months before treatment switch15.87 (18.83)16.15 (13.26)8.33 (9.85)7.86 (8.68)
At treatment switch19.08 (16.47)20.67 (14.67)7.44 (9.40)6.96 (7.29)
3 months after treatment switch16.65 (14.17)17.47 (14.12)7.91 (10.39)6.78 (6.86)
6 months after treatment switch14.26 (11.75)17.13 (15.46)7.74 (9.83)6.71 (8.24)
12 months after treatment switch9.97 (10.38)15.39 (12.32)7.88 (7.79)7.10 (7.73)
Mean HAQ-DI (SD)3 months before treatment switch0.81 (0.85)1.03 (0.70)0.82 (0.68)0.68 (0.66)
At treatment switch0.94 (0.76)1.00 (0.71)0.69 (0.66)0.65 (0.64)
3 months after treatment switch0.89 (0.72)0.93 (0.74)0.75 (0.65)0.63 (0.64)
6 months after treatment switch0.77 (0.69)0.96 (0.73)0.62 (0.60)0.60 (0.64)
12 months after treatment switch0.73 (0.67)0.89 (0.77)0.68 (0.64)0.64 (0.65)
  • *3 months before treatment switch n=35 (34 for CDAI), at treatment switch n=46 (45 for CDAI, 44 for DAS28-4(ESR)), 3 months after treatment switch n=44 (42 for CDAI, 41 for DAS28-4(ESR)), 6 months after treatment switch n=38 (37 for CDAI, 36 for DAS28-4(ESR)), 12 months after treatment switch n=25.

  • †3 months before treatment switch n=67 (66 for DAS28-4(ESR) and HAQ-DI), at treatment switch n=82, 3 months after treatment switch n=78 (77 for DAS-284(ESR)), 6 months after treatment switch n=67, 12 months after treatment switch n=48 (47 for CDAI and HAQ-DI).

  • ‡3 months before treatment switch n=84, at treatment switch n=97, 3 months after treatment switch n=90 (89 for DAS28-4(ESR) and HAQ-DI), 6 months after treatment switch n=87, 12 months after treatment switch n=74 (73 for DAS28-4(ESR) and CDAI).

  • §3 months before treatment switch n=210 (209 for HAQ-DI), at treatment switch n=255, 3 months after treatment switch n=242 (241 for HAQ-DI and 238 for DAS28-4(ESR)), 6 months after treatment switch n=218, 12 months after treatment switch n=190 (189 for DAS28-4(ESR)).

  • CDAI, Clinical Disease Activity Index; DAS28-4(ESR), Disease Activity Score in 28 joints, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; HAQ-DI, Health Assessment Questionnaire-Disability Index; LTE, long-term extension.