Table 1

Demographic and clinical characteristics for latent profile groups

Low PtGA/low MDGA (n=222) Moderate PtGA/moderate MDGA (n=115) High PtGA/high MDGA (n=91) High PtGA/low MDGA (n=144) Low PtGA/high MDGA (n=46) P values
Age, years 52.4±12.1a 49.9±11.0a 50.8±10.9a 55.4±11.1b 49.8±10.9a 0.001
Sex (female) 186 (83.8) 99 (86.1) 82 (90.1) 131 (91.0) 39 (84.8) 0.28
RA duration, years 10.5±7.9a 9.2±7.3a 10.2±7.6ab 12.8±9.8b 9.1±9.1a 0.01
RF positive 207 (93.2) 106 (92.2) 83 (91.2) 128 (88.9) 42 (91.3) 0.58
ACPA positive 197 (88.7) 101 (87.8) 81 (89.0) 124 (86.1) 42 (91.3) 0.88
Erosions 110 (49.5) 54 (47.0) 44 (48.4) 84 (58.3) 24 (52.2) 0.54
IAD present 53 (23.9) 34 (29.6) 26 (28.6) 46 (31.9) 9 (19.6) 0.33
Fibromyalgia 24 (10.8)a 16 (13.9)ab 15 (16.5)ab 36 (25.0)b 5 (10.9)ab 0.01
Number of csDMARDs 1.6±0.9 1.4±0.9 1.3 ±1.1 1.5±1.0 1.6±1.0 0.27
bDMARD use 74 (33.3) 42 (36.5) 33 (36.3) 50 (34.7) 15 (32.6) 0.97
SJC (28) 1.1±1.5a 4.4±2.3b 10.5±4.7c 1.0±1.3a 9.9±4.2c <0.001
TJC (28) 1.2±2.5a 5.9±3.9b 12.9±6.5c 2.0±3.7a 9.9±6.2d <0.001
ESR (mm/hour) 28.0±17.2a 36.8±22.2b 52.2±26.1c 31.1±19.2a 42.7±21.7b <0.001
CRP (mg/dL) 0.6±0.7a 1.3±1.8bd 2.6±3.2c 0.9±1.0ab 1.7±2.9d <0.001
DAS28-ESR 3.0±0.9a 5.0±0.7b 6.5±0.8c 3.9±0.9d 5.4±0.8e <0.001
PtGA 1.9±1.3a 5.3±1.8b 7.4±1.5c 6.9±1.6d 2.3±1.5a <0.001
MDGA 1.0±1.0a 4.4±1.0b 8.6±1.2c 1.2±1.1a 8.1±1.4d <0.001
PtGA–MDGA difference 0.8±1.5a 0.8±1.7a −1.2±1.7b 5.7±1.5c −5.8±1.6d <0.001
  • Values are the mean±SD or number (per cent). Group comparisons made using χ2 and analysis of variance tests for categorical and continuous variables. P values for pairwise contrasts are Benjamini-Hochberg adjusted; values in a row not sharing subscript letters (a, b and c) denote subgroups whose averages differ significantly (p<0.05).

  • ACPA, anticyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies; bDMARDs, biological disease modifying antirheumatic drugs; CRP, C reactive protein; DAS28-ESR, 28 joint-based disease activity index with ESR; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; IAD, irreversible articular damage; MDGA, physician global assessment; n-csDMARDs, number of concurrent conventional synthetic disease modifying antirheumatic drugs; PtGA, patient global assessment; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; RF, rheumatoid factor; SJC, swelling joint count out of 28 joints; TJC, tenderness joint count out of 28 joints.