Table 1

Demographics and baseline characteristics of patients originally randomised to secukinumab who entered the extension phase

Characteristic*Secukinumab 10 mg/kg IV→150 mg SC(N=161)Secukinumab 10 mg/kg IV→75 mg SC(N=147)
Age (years)49.5±11.748.9±11.8
Female, n (%)83 (51.6)81 (55.1)
Weight (kg)83.34±19.4383.43±19.50
Time (years) since first diagnosis of PsA8.19±8.337.66±8.31
Disease history and baseline characteristics
Anti-TNF-naïve, n (%)120 (74.5)110 (74.8)
Methotrexate use, n (%)98 (60.9)91 (61.9)
Systemic glucocorticoid use, n (%)28 (17.4)22 (15.0)
TJC (78 joints)24.1±16.9521.6±15.63
SJC (76 joints)12.7±9.8111.8±9.91
Psoriasis (≥3% body surface area), n (%)89 (55.3)82 (55.8)
Presence of dactylitis, n (%)83 (51.6)77 (52.4)
Presence of enthesitis, n (%)99 (61.5)91 (61.9)
  • *Results are mean±SD unless otherwise stated.

  • IV, intravenous; N, number of randomised patients; n, number of patients; PsA, psoriatic arthritis; SC, subcutaneous; SJC, swollen joint count; TJC, tender joint count; TNF, tumour necrosis factor.