Table 5

Main characteristics and spondyloarthritis features in the 18 patients with enthesitis by power Doppler ultrasonography who did not meet ASAS criteria for axSpA

Age(DD) in yearsGenderESSG/ AmorTotalASAS SpA featuresASAS spondyloarthritis feature
IBPArthritisEnthesitisUveitisDactylitisPsoNSAIDCIBDFH of SpAHLA-B27CRP >6 mg/L
32 (1.34)M+/+4++++
25 (1.08)F+/+5+++MDMD+MD+
39 (3.00)F+/+4++MDMD+MD+
35 (2.58)M+/+6++++++
47 (1.61)F+/+3+MD+MDMD+MD
32 (2.78)F+/+3+++
49 (0.88)F+/+6++++++
35 (1.44)M+/+5+++++
48 (1.93)F+/+5+++MDMD+MD+MD
39 (3.30)F+/+2+-+MDMDMD
28 (1.33)F+/–4++++
44 (1.40)F+/+4+++MDMD+MD
26 (1.62)F+/–3+++
45 (0.44)M+/MD3++MD+
42 (2.76)F+/–3++MDMD+MD
48 (1.42)F+/–2+MD+MDMDMD
34 (2.38)M–/–3+MD++
31 (0.41)M-/–2+MDMDMD+MD
  • M for male patients and F for female patients.

  • ASAS, Assessment of SpondyloArthritis international Society; axSpA, axial spondyloarthritis; CIBD, chronic inflammatory bowel disease; CRP, C reactive protein; DD, disease duration, ESSG, European Spondyloarthropathy Study Group; FH, family history; IBP, inflammatory back pain; MD, missing data; NSAID, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug; Pso, psoriasis; SpA, spondyloarthritis.