Table 3

Data calculated per time period

ParameterPeriod 1Period 2Period 3
Total no of patients8828142434
Patient characteristics
No of male patients
 Patients included8828142434
 Male patients (%)495 (56.1)427 (52.5)1195 (49.1)
Age (years)
 Patients included6178141507
No of Caucasian patients
 Patients included5788141506
 Caucasian patients (%)537 (92.9)793 (97.4)1306 (86.7)
Weight (kg)
 Patients included3124081507
Disease characteristics
Duration of PsA (years)
 Patients included617814504
No of patients with dactylitis
 Patients included3048142434
 Patients with dactylitis (%)132 (43.4)245 (30.1)1081 (44.4)
No of patients with enthesitis
 Patients included3048142434
 Patients with enthesitis (%)103 (33.9)546 (67.1)1602 (65.8)
No of patients with BSA ≥3%
 Patients included5738142434
 Patients with BSA ≥3% (%)348 (60.7)548 (67.3)1424 (58.5)
Disease activity
 Patients included6178141507
 Patients included6178141507
CRP level (mg/L)
 Patients included617405504
Physician's global assessment of disease activity (VAS 0–10 cm)
 Patients included6144091507
Patient's global assessment of disease activity (VAS 0–10 cm)
 Patients included6164091507
Patient's global assessment of pain (VAS 0–10 cm)
 Patients included6164091507
DAS (0–10)
 Patients included1044051507
PASI (0–72 scale)
 Patients included308296744
Disease effects
TSS (0–528)
 Patients included311409606
HAQ-DI score (0–3)
 Patients included6174091507
Prior treatments
No of patients with prior anti-TNF therapy
 Patients includedNo data4091507
 Patients with prior anti-TNF therapy (%)80 (19.6)436 (28.9)
No of patients with baseline use of MTX
 Patients included7788142434
 Patients with baseline use of MTX (%)363 (46.7)454 (55.8)1278 (52.5)
No of patients with baseline use of oral CS
 Patients included4654052434
 Patients with baseline use of oral CS (%)78 (16.8)65 (16)375 (15.4)
No of patients with baseline use of NSAIDs
 Patients included4654051431
 Patients with baseline use of NSAIDs (%)362 (77.9)308 (76)1037 (72.5)
  • The number of patients considered for each parameter is mentioned under ‘patients included’. For the continuous data, we calculated a weighted mean and SD per period. For the discrete data, we summed up the patients meeting the criterium from all the studies in a given period and calculated a percentage per that specified period.

  • BSA, body surface area; CRP, C reactive protein; CS, corticosteroid; DAS, Disease Activity Score; HAQ-DI, Health Assessment Questionnaire Disability Index; MTX, methotrexate; NSAID, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug; PASI, Psoriasis Area Severity Index; PsA, psoriatic arthritis; SJC, swollen joint count; TJC, tender joint count; TNF, tumour necrosis factor; TSS, Total Sharp Score; VAS, Visual Analogue Scale.