Table 1

CPGs general characteristics

Author Endorsement by Langage other than English Date Target Scope Patients’
Andreoli et al 2 EULAR2017Women with SLEFamily planning, pregnancy, menopause in SLE and APS.Yes (n=2)
Arnaud et al 3 /French2015All patients with SLECardiovascular risk management in SLE.No
Benito-Garcia et al 4 ACR2004Patients with rheumatic diseasesImmunological laboratory testing.No
Bertsias et al 5 EULAR2008All patients with SLEGeneral management of SLE.No
Bertsias et al 6 EULAR2010All patients with SLENeuropsychiatric disease.Yes (n=1)
Bertsias et al 7 EULAR2012All patients with SLERenal disease.Yes (n=1)
Braz et al 8 Brazilian Society of RheumatologyEnglish and Portuguese2015Patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseasesDiagnosisand treatment ofintestinal parasitic infections.No
Goodman et al 9 ACR2017Patients with rheumatic diseasesPerioperative management of antirheumatic medication inpatients undergoing elective total hip or total knee arthroplasty.Yes (patients’ panel)
Groot et al 10 EU (SHARE initiative)2017Juvenile SLEGeneral management of childhood-onset SLE.No
Hahn et al 11 ACR2012All patients with SLERenal disease.No
Heijstek et al 12 EULAR2011Pediatric patients with rheumatic diseasesVaccinations.No
Mathian et al 13 /French2016All patients with SLEPrevention of infections.No
Mosca et al 14 EULAR2010All patients with SLEGeneral management of SLE.No
Savreeda Salinas part 115 and 216 Mexican College of Rheumatology2015Women with autoimmune rheumatic diseasesManagement of pregnancy.No
Silva et al 17 /2009Childrenand adolescents with rheumatic diseasesVaccinations.No
Tessier-Cloutier et al 18 /2015All patients with SLEMonitoring of malignancies.No
Tozzoli, et al 19 Italian Society of Laboratory Medicine2002Autoimmunerheumatic diseasesLaboratory use of autoantibody tests.No
et al 20
/2016All SLE patientsGeneral management.Yes (n=1)
Tselios, et al 21 /2015All SLE patientsCardiovascular risk management.No
VanVollenhoven, et al 22  EULAR2014All SLE patientsGeneral management (treat to target).Yes (n=1)
Yuen23 /2014All SLE patientsFatigue.No
Groot, et al 24 EU (SHARE initiative)2017Juvenile SLE with renal involvementManagement of childhood-onset SLE nephritis.No
vanAssen, et al 25 EULAR2011Rheumatic diseasesVaccinations.No
  • APS, Antiphospholipid syndrome ; CPGs, clinical practice guidelines; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus.