Author | Endorsement by | Langage other than English | Date | Target | Scope |
representatives |
Andreoli et al 2 | EULAR | 2017 | Women with SLE | Family planning, pregnancy, menopause in SLE and APS. | Yes (n=2) | |
Arnaud et al 3 | / | French | 2015 | All patients with SLE | Cardiovascular risk management in SLE. | No |
Benito-Garcia et al 4 | ACR | 2004 | Patients with rheumatic diseases | Immunological laboratory testing. | No | |
Bertsias et al 5 | EULAR | 2008 | All patients with SLE | General management of SLE. | No | |
Bertsias et al 6 | EULAR | 2010 | All patients with SLE | Neuropsychiatric disease. | Yes (n=1) | |
Bertsias et al 7 | EULAR | 2012 | All patients with SLE | Renal disease. | Yes (n=1) | |
Braz et al 8 | Brazilian Society of Rheumatology | English and Portuguese | 2015 | Patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases | Diagnosisand treatment ofintestinal parasitic infections. | No |
Goodman et al 9 | ACR | 2017 | Patients with rheumatic diseases | Perioperative management of antirheumatic medication inpatients undergoing elective total hip or total knee arthroplasty. | Yes (patients’ panel) | |
Groot et al 10 | EU (SHARE initiative) | 2017 | Juvenile SLE | General management of childhood-onset SLE. | No | |
Hahn et al 11 | ACR | 2012 | All patients with SLE | Renal disease. | No | |
Heijstek et al 12 | EULAR | 2011 | Pediatric patients with rheumatic diseases | Vaccinations. | No | |
Mathian et al 13 | / | French | 2016 | All patients with SLE | Prevention of infections. | No |
Mosca et al 14 | EULAR | 2010 | All patients with SLE | General management of SLE. | No | |
Savreeda Salinas part 115 and 216 | Mexican College of Rheumatology | 2015 | Women with autoimmune rheumatic diseases | Management of pregnancy. | No | |
Silva et al 17 | / | 2009 | Childrenand adolescents with rheumatic diseases | Vaccinations. | No | |
Tessier-Cloutier et al 18 | / | 2015 | All patients with SLE | Monitoring of malignancies. | No | |
Tozzoli, et al 19 | Italian Society of Laboratory Medicine | 2002 | Autoimmunerheumatic diseases | Laboratory use of autoantibody tests. | No | |
Trujillo-Martin, et al 20 | / | 2016 | All SLE patients | General management. | Yes (n=1) | |
Tselios, et al 21 | / | 2015 | All SLE patients | Cardiovascular risk management. | No | |
VanVollenhoven, et al 22 | EULAR | 2014 | All SLE patients | General management (treat to target). | Yes (n=1) | |
Yuen23 | / | 2014 | All SLE patients | Fatigue. | No | |
Groot, et al 24 | EU (SHARE initiative) | 2017 | Juvenile SLE with renal involvement | Management of childhood-onset SLE nephritis. | No | |
vanAssen, et al 25 | EULAR | 2011 | Rheumatic diseases | Vaccinations. | No |
APS, Antiphospholipid syndrome ; CPGs, clinical practice guidelines; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus.