Table 2

Baseline disease activity and patient-reported outcomes in TNFi-naive and TNFi-experienced patients with PsA overall and in those who continued versus discontinued their index TNFi by the first follow-up visit

Characteristic*Total population (N=318)TNFi naiveTNFi experienced
Enthesitis, n (%)73 (23.0)35 (20.5)24 (19.7)11 (22.5)38 (25.9)19 (21.6)19 (32.2)
 SPARCC Enthesitis Index (1–16)†3.8 (3.3)2.9 (2.3)2.5 (1.5)3.8 (3.4)4.6 (3.9)4.2 (3.9)5.0 (3.9)
Dactylitis, n (%)37 (11.6)21 (12.3)13 (10.7)8 (16.3)16 (10.9)9 (10.2)7 (11.9)
 Dactylitis count (1–20)‡2.5 (2.1)2.3 (2.3)1.8 (1.7)3.1 (3.0)2.6 (1.9)2.8 (2.3)2.4 (1.5)
Tender joint count (0–68)4.9 (9.2)4.2 (8.4)3.0 (4.9)7.3 (13.4)5.7 (10.0)5.5 (10.9)6.1 (8.7)
Swollen joint count (0–66)2.2 (3.8)2.2 (3.7)1.8 (2.8)3.2 (5.1)2.2 (4.0)2.1 (4.3)2.2 (3.6)
Spinal mobility measures, cm
 Occiput-to-wall distance2.1 (4.6)0.6 (2.0)0.8 (2.3)0.2 (0.5)3.2 (5.6)3.6 (7.1)2.8 (4.2)
 Lateral lumbar flexion (average of right and left)18.4 (13.9)13.5 (5.0)14.7 (4.9)9.8 (3.4)21.8 (16.9)§21.1 (16.2)22.3 (18.0)
MDA, n (%)¶93 (33.9)59 (39.3)45 (42.1)14 (32.6)34 (27.4)§23 (30.3)11 (23.0)
ASDAS-CRP2.0 (0.8)2.1 (0.9)2.0 (0.9)2.3 (1.0)1.9 (0.7)1.9 (0.7)1.9 (0.8)
BASDAI (0–10)4.3 (2.7)4.1 (2.8)4.0 (2.7)4.5 (2.8)4.5 (2.6)4.2 (2.5)4.9 (2.7)
BASFI (0–10)3.3 (2.7)3.1 (2.8)3.0 (2.7)3.4 (2.9)3.6 (2.6)3.3 (2.4)4.0 (2.8)
CDAI11.2 (9.7)10.7 (10.0)9.2 (7.6)14.1 (13.6)**11.9 (9.2)10.5 (8.3)13.5 (10.1)
DAS28-CRP2.7 (1.2)2.7 (1.3)2.4 (1.0)3.5 (1.7)**2.8 (1.1)2.7 (1.0)2.8 (1.2)
CRP, mg/L2.7 (6.9)3.8 (9.0)3.0 (7.2)6.0 (12.8)1.5 (3.2)1.5 (3.1)1.5 (3.4)
ESR, mm/hour17.1 (15.6)17.6 (15.8)17.6 (16.6)17.4 (13.3)16.7 (15.6)16.5 (17.3)17.1 (12.2)
Physician global assessment of psoriasis21.4 (21.5)21.9 (21.9)20.4 (21.3)25.4 (23.2)20.8 (21.1)16.4 (16.9)27.2 (24.6)**
BSA, % affected4.9 (9.6)4.9 (8.7)5.3 (9.6)3.8 (5.7)4.9 (10.6)5.0 (11.3)4.6 (9.2)
Patient global assessment46.3 (29.1)41.1 (28.0)38.2 (27.8)48.2 (27.6)**52.2 (29.2)§50.5 (30.5)54.7 (27.3)
Patient-reported pain (VAS 0–100)43.9 (29.7)40.9 (29.6)37.6 (28.9)49.5 (29.8)**47.3 (29.5)46.4 (29.8)48.7 (29.4)
Patient-reported fatigue (VAS 0–100)45.6 (28.5)43.9 (28.4)42.5 (28.3)47.3 (28.6)47.6 (28.7)43.8 (26.5)53.0 (31.0)**
Morning stiffness, n (%)
 Yes283 (89.0)151 (88.3)105 (86.1)46 (95.8)132 (89.8)81 (92.0)51 (86.4)
 <30 min69 (24.4)40 (26.5)32 (30.5)8 (17.4)29 (22.0)19 (23.5)10 (19.6)
 ≥30 min214 (75.6)111 (73.5)73 (69.5)38 (82.6)103 (78.0)62 (76.5)41 (80.4)
HAQ-S (0–3)0.78 (0.67)0.73 (0.66)0.67 (0.63)0.87 (0.73)0.85 (0.68)0.79 (0.66)0.94 (0.70)
EQ-5D (0–1)0.72 (0.21)0.74 (0.21)0.76 (0.19)0.70 (0.24)0.70 (0.21)§0.72 (0.20)0.67 (0.22)
EQ VAS70.6 (45.4)70.9 (20.8)73.1 (19.1)65.6 (23.8)70.2 (63.1)75.7 (79.7)62.0 (19.7)
Current employment, n (%)188 (61.8)101 (62.4)74 (62.7)27 (61.4)87 (61.3)55 (65.5)32 (55.2)
WPAI domains, %
 Absenteeism (work time missed)6.1 (17.9)2.6 (7.8)3.1 (8.3)1.6 (6.8)9.8 (24.0)§4.5 (14.3)17.8 (32.4)
 Presenteeism (impairment at work/reduced on-the-job effectiveness)24.3 (24.8)21.9 (21.3)22.1 (22.4)21.5 (18.7)27.0 (28.2)25.5 (27.2)29.3 (30.0)
 Work productivity loss (overall work impairment/absenteeism plus presenteeism)27.4 (27.8)24.4 (23.2)25.3 (24.4)22.4 (20.3)30.5 (31.8)26.5 (28.5)36.0 (35.8)
 Activity impairment35.5 (29.4)33.2 (29.2)31.1 (28.3)38.4 (31.1)38.1 (29.5)35.6 (28.1)41.7 (31.3)
  • *All values were calculated based on available data and are presented as mean (SD) unless otherwise stated and had <20% missing data except for spinal mobility measures, ESR, CRP, DAS28-CRP, ASDAS-CRP and MDA.

  • †SPARCC Enthesitis Index among patients with enthesitis.

  • ‡Dactylitis count among patients with dactylitis.

  • §P<0.05 for the comparison between the overall populations of TNFi-naive and TNFi-experienced patients.

  • ¶MDA was defined as ‘yes’ if a patient met ≥5 of the following seven criteria: tender joint count ≤1, swollen joint count ≤1, BSA ≤3%, patient-reported pain VAS ≤15, patient global activity VAS ≤20, HAQ-S ≤0.5 and tender entheseal points ≤1.

  • **P<0.05 for the comparison between patients who continued versus discontinued their index TNFi within the TNFi-naive or TNFi-experienced cohort.

  • ASDAS-CRP, Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score using C-reactive protein;BASDAI, Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index;BASFI, Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index;BSA, body surface area;CDAI, Clinical Disease Activity Index;CRP, C-reactive protein;DAS28-CRP, Disease Activity Score in 28 joints with C-reactive protein;EQ-5D, EuroQol-five dimension; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate;HAQ-S, Health Assessment Questionnaire for the Spondyloarthropathies;MDA, minimal disease activity;PsA, psoriatic arthritis;SPARCC, Spondyloarthritis Research Consortium of Canada;TNFi, tumour necrosis factor inhibitor;VAS, visual analogue scale;WPAI, Work Productivity and Activity Impairment questionnaire.