Table 3

Circulating levels of LL-37 based on antibody shared epitope and vitamin D status

Anti-CCP negative10.9 (4.1, 16.7) 0–4050.2P=0.001
Anti-CCP positive17.1 (8.7, 43.3) 0–2303.1
RF negative10.4 (3.8, 14.3) 0–4050.2P=0.001
RF positive16.6 (8.2, 30.5) 0–2303.1
Number of autoantibodies
 RF and anti-CCP negative10.4 (3.8, 13.9) 0–4050.2P<0.0001
 RF or anti-CCP positive10.9 (5.4, 23.4) 0–1073.4
 RF and anti-CCP positive17.4 (9.24, 47.7) 0–2303.1
Shared epitope positive11.8 (6.1, 23.7) 0–2303P=0.5
Shared epitope negative10.9 (4.1, 21.5) 0–4050.2
25(OH)D <25 nmol/L (deficient)12.2 (7.2, 25.3) 0–4050.2P=0.08
25(OH)D >25 nmol/L (adequate)10.9 (4.1, 19.9) 0–1469.2
Smoking status
 Never smoked11.2 (4.9, 21.9)0.1–4050.2P=0.4
 Quit smoking11.9 (7.2, 21.8) 0–1469.2
 Current smoking14.2 (8.6, 47.9) 0–2303.1
Vit D receptor polymorphism
Fokl10.6 (5.3, 24.7) 0–2303P=1.0
 CC11.9 (5.0, 21.6) 0.1–4050.1
 CT12.3 (6.8, 19.4) 0–1469.2
Bsm111.6 (8.5, 17.1) 0.2–550.8P=0.3
 TT13.4 (6.5, 23.6) 0–4050.2
 CT9.6 (4.1, 21.0) 0–1469.2
Apa111.6 (7.4, 17.1) 0.23–550.8P=1.0
 TT11.6 (5.0, 26.0) 0–4050.2
 GT11.9 (4.9, 22.3) 0–1469
Taq110.2 (4.7, 22.0) 0–1469.2P=0.8
 TT11.9 (5.5, 23.9) 0–4050.2
 TC12.5 (8.8, 17.3) 0.2–550.8
  • Median (25th, 75th quartile) (range) reported. Statistical significance determined using Man-Whitney U non-parametric two group comparison or Kruskal-Wallis test for three group comparison.

  • CCP, cyclical citrullinated peptide; RF, rheumatoid factor.