Table 1

Characteristics of the cohort

Whole cohort
Age at study entry (mean±SD)42.2±12.5
Disease duration at study entry (mean±SD) at study entry13.9±9.2
Cumulative organ involvement
Musculoskeletal involvement (ever)76.3%
Haematological involvement (ever)57.5%
Skin involvement (ever)56.1%
Kidney involvement (ever)53.3%
Serositis (ever)21.6%
Neuropspychiatric involvement (ever)12.8%
Constitutional symptoms: fever and weight loss (ever)6.8%
Ongoing therapies
Traditional immunosuppressants36.5%
Biological drugs12.9%
SLICC/DI at study entry (median (IQR))0 (0–1)
SLICC/DI at last observation (median (IQR))0 (0–2)