Table 1

Patient demographics and disease characteristics of the OLE patient population at entry to the DBP and disease characteristics of the OLE population at entry to the OLE (ITT population)

Adalimumab/sarilumab (n=155)Sarilumab/sarilumab (n=165)All (n=320)
DBP entry
 Mean age, years (SD)53.1 (11.80)50.1 (12.80)51.6 (12.40)
 Female, n (%)126 (81.30)142 (86.10)268 (83.80)
 Caucasian/White, n (%)137 (88.40)153 (92.70)290 (90.60)
 Mean weight, kg (SD)71.35 (17.69)71.90 (16.59)71.63 (17.11)
 BMI ≥30 kg/m2, n (%)42 (27.10)36 (21.80)78 (24.40)
 Mean time since RA diagnosis, years (SD)6.66 (7.68)8.23 (8.25)7.47 (8.01)
 Mean CDAI (SD)42.24 (11.68)43.30 (11.76)42.79 (11.71)
 Mean HAQ-DI (SD)1.62 (0.65)1.63 (0.53)1.63 (0.59)
 Mean DAS28-CRP (SD)6.00 (0.88)5.99 (0.87)5.99 (0.87)
 Mean DAS28-ESR (SD)6.74 (0.83)6.81 (0.76)6.78 (0.79)
OLE entry
 Mean CDAI (SD)16.53 (10.45)13.73 (11.39)15.09 (11.01)
 Mean HAQ-DI (SD)1.21 (0.67)1.01 (0.64)1.10 (0.66)
 Mean DAS28-CRP (SD)3.92 (1.25)3.07 (1.21)3.48 (1.30)
 Mean DAS28-ESR (SD)4.46 (1.29)3.45 (1.44)3.94 (1.46)
  • BMI, body mass index; CDAI, Clinical Disease Activity Index; CRP, C-reactive protein; DAS28, Disease Activity Score (28 joints); DBP, double-blind phase; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; HAQ-DI, Health Assessment Questionnaire-Disability Index; ITT, intent-to-treat; OLE, open-label extension; RA, rheumatoid arthritis.