Table 1

Definitions of non-response and of predictability indices used in the study

Definitions of non-response 9
Outcome at M3*CDAI∆ DAS28(ESR)∆ HAQ-DI
Early non-responseScore >22Decrease of ≤1.2 compared with baseline valueDecrease of <0.22 compared with baseline value
Outcome at M12*CDAIDAS28(ESR)HAQ-DI
Treatment failureScore >10Score >3.2Score >0.5
Definitions of indices of predictability
SensitivityIn all patients in treatment failure at M12, the proportion with early non-response observed at M3
SpecificityIn all patients with treatment success at M12, the proportion with early response observed at M3
Predictability of non-responseIn all patients identified as non-responders by M3, the proportion with treatment failure at M12
Predictability of responseIn all patients identified as responders by M3, the proportion with treatment success at M12
AccuracyIn all patients, the proportion for whom treatment outcome (response or non-response) at M3 is the same as at M12 (either failure or success)
  • *The CDAI criterion assessed at M3 and M12 was the absolute value of the score. For the DAS28(ESR) and the HAQ-DI, the criterion was the change in score since baseline at M3 and the absolute value of the score at M12.

  • CDAI, Clinical Disease Activity Index; CZP, certolizumab pegol; DAS28, 28-joint Disease Activity Score; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; HAQ-DI, Health Assessment Questionnaire Disability Index; M3, 3 months; M12, 12 months.