Table 2

Mean (SD) changes in mBASDAI component scores* among TNFi-naïve PSA patients with PA-PRS, overall† and by HLA-B27 status‡, at Week 12 and Week 24

Week 12Week 24
Placebo45 mg90 mgCombinedPlacebo45 mg90 mgCombined
 All patients−0.37 (2.23)−1.79 (2.39)−1.64 (2.27)−1.71 (2.32)−0.33 (2.22)−1.37 (2.44)−2.14 (2.46)−1.77 (2.47)
HLA-B27+0.02 (2.56)−1.80 (1.66)−2.02 (2.20)−1.91 (1.92)0.30 (2.87)−1.78 (2.52)−3.20 (1.78)−2.49 (2.25)
HLA-B27−0.23 (2.30)−1.88 (2.50)−1.48 (2.52)−1.65 (2.50)−0.25 (2.05)−1.13 (2.63)−2.01 (2.68)−1.61 (2.67)
Neck/back/hip pain
 All patients−0.31 (2.10)−1.66 (2.48)−1.73 (2.74)−1.69 (2.62)−0.18 (2.35)−1.66 (2.73)−2.30 (2.47)−1.99 (2.61)
HLA-B27+−0.07 (2.82)−2.12 (2.06)−2.54 (2.24)−2.33 (2.12)0.83 (2.79)−2.72 (2.85)−2.66 (2.12)−2.69 (2.46)
HLA-B27−0.31 (1.77)−1.51 (2.40)−1.66 (2.75)−1.60 (2.59)−0.29 (1.79)−0.99 (2.65)−2.49 (2.69)−1.82 (2.76)
Pain at entheses
 All patients−0.69 (2.02)−1.94 (2.30)−1.92 (2.48)−1.93 (2.39)−0.92 (2.21)−1.86 (2.60)−2.72 (2.81)−2.31 (2.74)
HLA-B27+−0.83 (2.04)−1.32 (2.66)−2.62 (2.01)−1.97 (2.40)−0.74 (2.35)−2.09 (2.88)−2.78 (1.96)−2.44 (2.44)
HLA-B27−0.69 (2.03)−1.68 (1.70)−1.94 (2.68)−1.83 (2.30)−0.89 (2.17)−1.46 (2.58)−2.98 (3.11)−2.30 (2.96)
Morning stiffness severity
 All patients−1.10 (2.06)−2.16 (2.48)−2.21 (2.49)−2.18 (2.48)−1.23 (2.19)−2.67 (2.75)−2.82 (2.76)−2.75 (2.74)
HLA-B27+−1.03 (2.50)−1.64 (2.02)−2.26 (2.76)−1.95 (2.39)−1.62 (2.71)−2.61 (2.80)−2.69 (2.46)−2.65 (2.58)
HLA-B27−1.14 (2.00)−2.57 (2.40)−2.52 (2.75)−2.54 (2.59)−1.12 (1.94)−2.56 (2.68)−3.01 (2.96)−2.81 (2.82)
Morning stiffness duration
 All patients−0.34 (2.94)−1.55 (2.67)−1.43 (3.01)−1.49 (2.85)−0.61 (2.34)−2.01 (2.58)−2.16 (2.95)−2.09 (2.77)
HLA-B27+−0.79 (2.50)−1.77 (2.83)−1.28 (2.40)−1.53 (2.58)−0.75 (2.54)−2.43 (2.82)−3.15 (2.91)−2.79 (2.83)
HLA-B27−0.20 (2.66)−1.54 (2.91)−1.77 (3.41)−1.67 (3.18)−0.52 (2.04)−2.00 (2.88)−2.16 (3.25)−2.09 (3.07)
  • *Among patients with component scores at each visit.

  • †Includes 84 placebo- and 139 combined ustekinumab- (66 [45 mg], 73 [90 mg])-treated patients.

  • ‡Includes 13 placebo- and 27 combined ustekinumab- (13 [45 mg], 14 [90 mg])treated HLA-B27+ patients and 47 placebo- and 71 combined ustekinumab- (32 [45 mg], 39 [90 mg]) treated HLA-B27 patients.

  • HLA-B27, human-leucocyte-antigen B27 allele; mBASDAI, modified Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index; PA-PRS, peripheral arthritis and physician-reported spondylitis; PsA, psoriatic arthritis; TNFi, tumour necrosis factor-inhibitor.