Table 1

Definitions used by the taskforce to identify studies that included individuals at high risk of osteoporotic fracture

OsteopeniaT score ≤−1.0 to −2.5 SD
OsteoporosisT score ≤−2.5 SD
FRAX 10-year probability of a major* osteoporotic fracture≥20% (age independent)
FRAX 10-year probability of hip fracture≥3% (age independent)
FRAX NOGG threshold40–90 years (age dependent)
  • T score, unit of SD from the mean for bone mineral density compared with a healthyyoung adult.

  • FRAX intervention thresholds vary between countries.

  • *A clinical spine, hip, forearm or humerus fracture.

  • FRAX, Fracture Risk Assessment Tool; NOGG, National Osteoporosis Guideline Group.