Table 2

Country-wide data stratified by diagnosis, age and gender on patients who initiated, switched or discontinued (including deaths) any bDMARD, among all patients who filled at least one bDMARD prescription for inflammatory rheumatic disease between 8/2016 and 7/2018

Rheumatoid arthritis (n=12 002)Psoriatic arthritis (n=5465)Ankylosing spondylitis (n=6423)
<45 years (n=1185)45–65 years (n=4900)>65 years (n=5917)<45 years (n=1106)45–65 years (n=2994)>65 years (n=1365)<45 years (n=2060)45–65 years (n=3457)>65 years (n=906)
InitiationMale (%)83 (7)281 (6)310 (5)193 (17)370 (12)134 (10)406 (20)471 (14)119 (13)
Female (%)347 (29)1240 (25)1246 (21)195 (18)514 (17)204 (15)348 (17)451 (13)84 (9)
SwitchingMale (%)25 (2)101 (2)109 (2)95 (9)210 (7)76 (6)130 (6)232 (13)67 (7)
Female (%)136 (11)569 (12)613 (10)108 (10)356 (12)132 (10)165 (8)215 (6)57 (6)
DiscontinuationMale (%)36 (3)141 (3)280 (5)43 (4)110 (4)105 (8)136 (7)219 (6)82 (9)
Female (%)142 (12)590 (12)1013 (17)58 (5)188 (6)116 (8)140 (7)200 (6)58 (6)
  • bDMARD, biologic disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs.