Table 2

Comparison of participants and non-participants in the follow-up of the PARA study

Current studyNon-participantsP value
Number of unique patientsn=128n=167
Age at last PARA episode—years32.0±3.932.8±3.90.11‡
Smoker during PARA study9 (7%)28 (17%)0.013*
Missing2 (2%)4 (2%)
Number of episodes within PARA study
1 episode98 (77%)139 (83%)
2 episodes24 (19%)24 (14%)
3 episodes6 (5%)3 (2%)
4 episodes1 (1%)
Obstetric history
Never pregnant before PARA study73 (57%)93 (56%)0.91*
Pregnant during last PARA episode117 (91%)120 (72%)<0.001*
Nulliparous at end of PARA study6 (4.7%)36 (22%)<0.001*
Disease Characteristics
Duration of RA§—years15.6 (12.6–20.9)15.5 (13.1–20.5)0.88†
Missing2 (1%)
Duration of RA at first PARA episode4.2 (2.0–9.6)4.7 (1.9–8.5)0.99†
Missing2 (1%)
Presence of ACPA78 (61%)112 (67%)0.33*
Presence of RF86 (67%)125 (75%)0.16*
Presence of erosions77 (60%)100 (60%)0.61*
Missing3 (2.3%)9 (6.4%)
Disease activity Score (DAS28) during last PARA episode
Missing51(40%)54 (32%)
First trimester3.5±1.23.6±1.20.57‡
Missing37 (29%)70 (42%)
Last available DAS28 (non-pregnant)3.5±1.23.5±1.20.79‡
Missing4 (2%)
  • *Fisher’s exact-test;

  • †Mann-Whitney U-test;

  • ‡Student’s t test;

  • §At 1 January 2016.

  • PARA, pregnancy-induced amelioration of RA; RA, rheumatoid arthritis.