Table 1

Participant characteristics at baseline, stratified for sex and BMI group. Normal weight, BMI <25; overweight, BMI ≥25 to <30; obesity, BMI ≥30. Participants with a BMI <18.5 and prevalent OA of CMC-1 joint were excluded

A. Male participantsNormal weight n=12 790Overweight n=7949Obesity n=1381
Age, years (±SD)43±6.644.6±6.445.3±6.1
BMI (kg/m2) (±SD)22.6±1.626.9±1.333.4±2.4
Current smoking (n, %)6652 (52.0)3579 (45.0)586 (42.4)
Hypertension (n, %)2885 (22.6)3092 (38.9)807 (58.4)
Prevalent diabetes (n, %)297 (2.3)306 (3.8)167 (12.1)
Manual work (n, %)4998 (41.2)3511 (46.4)651 (51.9)
Incident OA of the CMC-1 (n, %)201 (1.6)206 (2.6)71 (5.1)
Incidence rate of OA of the CMC-1
(cases/1000 person-years)
B. Female participants Normal weight n=6642 Overweight n=2836 Obesity n=1063
Age, years (±SD)48.6±7.851.7±5.552.2±5.4
BMI (kg/m2) (±SD)22.1±1.627.0±1.433.5±3.4
Current smoking (n, %)2513 (37.8)807 (28.5)286 (26.9)
Hypertension (n, %)1280 (19.3)968 (34.1)483 (45.4)
Prevalent diabetes (n, %)123 (1.9)153 (5.4)139 (13.1)
Manual work (n, %)2279 (38.3)1216 (50.8)480 (58.2)
Incident OA of the CMC-1 (n, %)250 (3.8)130 (4.6)64 (6.0)
Incidence rate of OA of the CMC-1
(cases/1000 person-years)
  • BMI, body mass index; CMC-1, first carpometacarpal joint of the thumb; OA; osteoarthritis.