Table 2

Proposal of a minimal set of clinical information when sharing patient HTS data to enable clinically useful reanalysis

Clinical entityData points
Demographicethnicity, gender, age
DiagnosisPrimary diagnosis (ICD-10), type/grade/stage, disease activity scores (SLEDAI, BASFI, BASDAI, VAS, DAS, …)
Exposurecigarettes_per_day, years smoked
Family historyHistory of autoimmune disease in family
Follow-upBMI, comorbidities, progression or recurrence, weight, disease duration
Molecular testsAnti-CCP, HLA status, C3, C4, autoantibodies (ANA, ENA…)
TreatmentTherapeutic agents, dose, frequency, outcome, adverse events
  • ANA, anti-nuclear antibody; BASDAI, Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index; BASFI, Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index; C3/4, Complement 3/4; CCP, Citrullinated Peptide/Protein antibodies; DAS, Diseases Activity Score; ENA, Extractable Nuclear Antigen; HLA, Human Leukocyte Antigen; HTS, high throughput sequencing; ICD, International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems; SLEDAI, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease Activity Index; VAS, Visual Analog Scale.