Table 1

Baseline demographics and clinical characteristics of the overall population with JIA, the population with JIA with at least one additional autoimmune disease or associated condition (JIA+) and the population with JIA without an additional autoimmune disease or associated condition (JIA–)

CharacteristicOverall population with JIA (n=1332)JIA+ (n=247)JIA– (n=1085)P value
Sex, female, n (%)867 (65.1)168 (68.0)699 (64.4)0.29
Age at JIA onset, years, mean (SD)6.6 (4.5)7.4 (4.5)6.4 (4.5)0.02
Age at diagnosis, years, mean (SD)8.0 (4.8)9.0 (4.9)7.8 (4.7)0.001
JIA subtype, n (%)<0.001
 Oligoarticular360 (27.0)59 (23.9)301 (27.7)
 Polyarticular RF-negative320 (24.0)50 (20.2)270 (24.9)
 Missing*303 (22.7)45 (18.2)258 (23.8)
 Systemic90 (6.8)37 (15.0)53 (4.9)
 Enthesitis-related88 (6.6)25 (10.1)63 (5.8)
 Psoriatic72 (5.4)10 (4.0)62 (5.7)
 Undifferentiated65 (4.9)15 (6.1)50 (4.6)
 Polyarticular RF-positive30 (2.3)4 (1.6)26 (2.4)
 Unclassified†4 (0.3)2 (0.8)2 (0.2)
Autoimmune diseases ever, n (%)<0.001
 01085 (81.5)0 (0)1085 (100.0)
 1214 (16.1)214 (86.6)0 (0)
 230 (2.3)30 (12.1)0 (0)
 32 (0.2)2 (0.8)0 (0)
 >31 (0.1)1 (0.4)0 (0)
Medication ever, n (%)
 Biological DMARDs800 (60.1)181 (73.3)619 (57.1)<0.001
 Non-biological DMARDs862 (64.7)177 (71.7)685 (63.1)0.01
 Methotrexate797 (59.8)158 (64.0)639 (58.9)0.14
 Corticosteroids768 (57.7)175 (70.9)593 (54.7)<0.001
 NSAIDs1201 (90.2)234 (94.7)967 (89.1)0.01
  • *The JIA subtype was not indicated in the electronic health records.

  • †Patient received only one ICD code for JIA.

  • DMARDs, disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs; ICD, International Classification of Diseases; JIA, juvenile idiopathic arthritis; NSAIDs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; RF, rheumatoid factor; SD, standard deviation.