Table 3

Comparisons of therapeutic response at 12 months between tofacitinib-treated and tocilizumab-treated patients with RA after propensity score matching

bDMARD-naïve patients (n=186)Previous bDMARD-failure patients (n=160)
P value*Tofacitinib
P value*
Therapeutic outcomes at 12 months
 CDAI, mean (SD)6.9 (9.9)9.9 (10.6)0.03013.7 (11.7)14.8 (9.9)0.55
 Dropout, number (%)17 (18.3)20 (21.5)0.6922 (27.5)33 (41.3)0.13
  Lack or loss of efficacy9 (9.7)13 (14.0)0.4817 (21.3)26 (32.5)0.19
  Adverse events7 (7.5)6 (6.5)1.004 (5.0)6 (7.5)0.75
  Lost to follow-up1 (1.1)1 (1.1)1.001 (1.3)1 (1.3)1.00
 Remission (CDAI ≤2.8), number (%)53 (57.0)25 (26.9)<0.00110 (12.5)12 (15.0)0.83
 Low CDAI (>2.8 and ≤10), number (%)20 (21.5)37 (39.8)0.01535 (43.8)18 (22.5)0.007
  Remission or low CDAI (≤10), number (%)73 (78.5)62 (66.7)0.08245 (56.3)30 (37.5)0.046
 Moderate or high CDAI (>10), number (%)3 (3.2)11 (11.8)0.03913 (16.3)17 (21.3)0.54
Improvements at 12 months, number (%)
 CDAI85§ (major response)59 (63.4)28 (30.1)<0.00113 (16.3)17 (21.3)0.58
 CDAI70§ (moderate response)69 (74.2)45 (48.4)0.00126 (32.5)25 (31.3)1.00
 CDAI50§ (minor response)71 (76.3)62 (66.7)0.1839 (48.8)31 (38.8)0.29
 MCID-based CDAI improvement72 (77.4)63 (67.7)0.1844 (55.0)32 (40.0)0.11
  • *Comparisons of CDAI-based improvement measures at 12 months between tofacitinib and tocilizumab therapy after propensity score matching, separately in bDMARD-naïve patients and bDMARD-failure patients, using bootstrapping for continuous variables (bootstrapped paired sample t-test) and the McNemar test for categorical variables. The same p values were also obtained with Wilcoxon signed-rank tests for continuous variables.

  • †To calculate mean CDAI values at 12 months, missing data on dropout patients were imputed using baseline observation carried forward.

  • ‡For classification at 12 months, non-responder imputation was used for missing data on patients who had withdrawn from the study (dropout patients) because of lack or loss of efficacy, adverse events and lost to follow-up.

  • §Defined as achieving and maintaining ≥50% improvement of CDAI (CDAI50),≥70% (CDAI70) and ≥85% (CDAI85) during the 12-month treatment.

  • ¶Defined as CDAI reduction >12 for patients starting with a high CDAI and CDAI reduction >6 for those starting with a moderate CDAI at 12 months of treatment.

  • bDMARD, biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drug; CDAI, clinical disease activity index; MCID, minimal clinically important difference; RA, rheumatoid arthritis.