Table 1

Composite ranking of statements for each viewpoint

Statement‘Arthritis negatively affects my sex life’‘I am keeping up appearances’‘I am satisfied with my sex life’
1I am satisfied with my sex life‡§¶−2**+3**+4**
2Sex is important to my quality of life‡0**+3+4
3I enjoy sex less because of my arthritis−1+1−1
4My sex life has changed because of my arthritis‡§¶0*+2*−1**
5I have sex less frequently because of my arthritis¶+1+1−1**
6Pain caused by my arthritis has a negative impact on my sex life¶+4+4+1**
7Fatigue has a negative impact on my sex life§+40**+3
8Gloom has a negative impact on my sex life§+2−1**+3
9Sex has become less spontaneous due to my arthritis¶+2+1−1**
10I find it difficult that fluctuations in the severity of my illness make my sex life unpredictable‡+3**−10
11My sexual problems are the same as those present in healthy men‡§¶−4**0**+3**
12I have fewer sexual thoughts because of my arthritis−3−2−2
13It is more difficult to get aroused because of my arthritis¶−1−1−3*
14My sexual desire is reduced because of my arthritis†−2−1−2
15There are things I would like to do during sex (postures/movements) that I cannot do because of my illnessद+3**+1**0**
16I have trouble getting and/or keeping an erection due to my arthritis‡+1**−4−4
17I don't want to start having sex because I am afraid that I will have to stop halfway through my arthritis ‡0**−2−2
18I am having problems masturbating due to my arthritis−3−3−1
19I feel less masculine because of my arthritis¶0−1−2**
20I feel less attractive because of my arthritis¶+1+2−3**
21The physical changes make me feel less confident about sex¶+2+20**
22My sex life must be included in the choice of my treatment‡0**+2+2
23I have the need to discuss the effects of my arthritis and treatment on my sex life with my healthcare provider†+10+1
24I have a hard time talking about my sex life with my healthcare provider‡−1**+1+1
25I prefer to search online for information about the effects of my arthritis and treatment on my sex life¶−10+2*
26I feel like I am the only one with sexual problems caused by my arthritis¶−2−2+1**
27I find it difficult to discuss sexual problems with a partner§−20**−3
28My sexual problems make it difficult to be in a relationship¶−3−30**
29I feel guilty towards my partner because of the limitations of my arthritis‡+3**00
30Intimacy has become more important than sex†+2+3+1
31For me, sex is only important if I want a child†−4−4−4
32The relationship with my partner has improved because of my arthritis¶−1−2+2**
33My partner understands my sexual problemsद+1**+4**+2**
34I sometimes have sex only because I don't want to disappoint my partner§0−3**0
  • *p<0.05, **p<0.01 versus all other factors.

  • †Consensus statement.

  • ‡Distinguishing statement for viewpoint 1.

  • §Distinguishing statement for viewpoint 2.

  • ¶Distinguishing statement for viewpoint 3.