Table 2

Radiographic damage in NP and non-NP patients

NP (n=24)Non-NP (n=48)P value
KL grade, n (%)*0.003
 08 (33.3)4 (8.3)
 18 (33.3)11 (22.9)
 28 (33.3)19 (39.6)
 30 (0)13 (27.1)
 40 (0)1 (2.1)
minJSW (mm), mean (SD)3.0 (1.0)2.1 (1.4)0.002
Osteophyte area (mm2), mean (SD)12.7 (11.1)25.5 (19.1)0.001
Mean subchondral bone density (mm Alu. Eq), mean (SD)30.1 (4.3)32.4 (4.7)0.037
  • Statistical significant p-values are given in bold.

  • *Fisher’s exact test.

  • mm Alu Eq.; mm aluminium equivalent.KL grade, Kellgren and Lawrence grade; minJSW, minimum Joint Space Width; NP, neuropathic pain.