Table 2

Adherence and disease activity outcomes at 12 months

InterventionControlCrude effect estimate
(p, 95% CI)
Corrected effect estimate
(p, 95% CI)
Primary outcome
B: 0.051
(0.009, 0.088 to −0.013)
B: 0.036
(0.045, 0.001 to 0.071)*
 Proportion adherent, MPR≥0.89285OR 1.63
(0.121, 1.22 to 3.35)
OR 1.83
(0.319, 1.14 to 5.10)*
Secondary outcomes
 Proportion adherent, CQR Zk score6775OR: 2.01
(0.373, 1.37 to 4.67)
 Proportion LDA7580OR: 2.05 (0.352, 1.43 to 4.22)NA
 Proportion remission5668OR: 1.83 (0.101, 1.39 to 3.01)NA
  • *Means and (SD) or proportions are displayed. We corrected for baseline DAS28.

  • CQR, Compliance Questionnaire in Rheumatology; LDA, Low disease activity; MPR, medication possession ratio.