Table 1

Demographical data of patients included (n=233)

Total (n=233)
Age (year)†66.0 (8.30)
Female, n (%)186 (79.8)
 Chinese, n (%)194 (83.3)
 Malay, n (%)20 (85.8)
 Indian, n (%)16 (6.9)
 Others, n (%)3 (1.3)
 No education, n (%)34 (14.6)
 Primary, n (%)92 (39.5)
 Secondary and above, n (%)107 (45.9)
Knee arthroplasty type, n (%)
 Total knee replacement221 (94.8)
 Unicompartmental knee replacement12 (5.2)
KL grading of index knee, n (%)
 2 or below11 (4.7)
 394 (40.3)
 4119 (51.1)
BMI†28.3 (4.6)
Functional comorbidity score (0–18)†1.8 (1.0)
 WOMAC pain† (0–100)41.7 (18.0)
 WOMAC function† (0–100)35.0 (17.9)
 Physical component score (norm-based)32.2 (9.8)
 Mental component score (norm-based)52.2 (10.5)
Number of painful body sites*1.0 (2.0)
PPTarm182 (83.9)
Widespread pain, n (%)17 (7.3)
PainDETECT score, n (%)
 Definite (≥19)1 (0.4)
 Possible (13–18)10 (4.3)
 Impossible (<13)221 (94.8)
  • *Median (IQR).

  • †Mean (SD).

  • BMI, body mass index; KL, Kellgren-Lawrence grading; PPTarm, pressure pain threshold taken at volar side of right forearm; SF-36, Medical Outcome Survey Short-form 36; WOMAC, Western Ontario and McMaster University Index.