Table 7

Recurrence rate of axSpA among siblings and children in three studies

Relatives of male probandsFirst-degree relatives
# AxSpA/total
Swiss study
# AxSpA/total
Swedish study18
# AxSpA/total
UK study17
Sibs12/90 (13.3%)447/12576 (3.6%)243/3177 (7.7%) 5
Children15/119 (12.6%) 1294/15293 (1.9%) 248/772 (6.2%) 3
 Sons5/53 (9.4%) 8194/7817 (2.5%) 435/396 (8.8%) 6
 Daughters10/66 (15.2%) 9100/7476 (1.3%) 4,713/376 (3.5%) 6
Relatives of female probands
Sibs8/46 (17.4%)236/6576 (3.6%)142/1286 (11.0%) 5
Children12/29 (41.4%) 1204/8547 (2.4%) 240/375 (10.7%) 3
 Sons4/11 (36.4%) 8104/4358 (2.4%)23/185 (12.4%)
 Daughters8/18 (44.4%) 9100/4189 (2.4%) 717/190 (8.9%)
Criteria for probands
HLA-B27 status of probands
Age of children
New York 100%
HLA-B27 +100%
 all>45 years
New York estimated >50%
HLA-B27 unknown
New York 100%
HLA-B27 estimated 92%
all >30 years
  • The Swiss and UK studies comprise probands of AS patient societies, whereas the Swedish study is based on national registers.

  • 1p=0.00032; 2p=0.0162; 3p=0.00791; 4p=0.00000; 5p=0.00026; 6p=0.00197; 7p=0.00003.

  • 8p=0.0193; 9p=0.00726.

  • AS, ankylosing spondylitis.