Table 6

Proband’s New York radiographic and HLA-B27 status and proband’s gender strongly affect likelihood of axSpA among offspring

AxSpA among offspringProbandP value
Children ofaxSpA child/all childrenaxSpA child/all childrenOR (95% CI)
 All probands16/144 (11.1%)13/61 (21.3%)*2.17 (0.71 to 4.84)0.056
 HLA-B27(+) probands15/132 (11.4%)13/42 (31.0%)3.50 (1.50 to 8.15)0.0026
 HLA-B27(−) probands1/12 (8.3%)0/12 (0%)0.31
 New York(+) AS probands15/119 (12.6%)12/29 (41.4%)4.89 (1.96 to 12.23)0.00032
 New York(−) nr-axSpA probands1/25 (4%)1/25 (4%)
 New York(+) and HLA-B27(+) AS probands15/119 (12.6%)12/29 (41.4%)4.89 (1.96 to 12.23)0.00032
 New York(+) and HLA-B27(−) AS probands
 New York(−) and HLA-B27(+) nr-axSpA probands0/13 (0%)1/13 (7.7%)0.31
 New York(−) and HLA-B27(−) nr-axSpA probands1/12 (8.3%)0/12 (0%)0.31
Sons ofaxSpA sons/all sonsaxSpA sons/all sons
 HLA-B27(+) probands5/62 (8.1%)5/14 (35.7%)6.33 (1.52 to 26.33)0.0057
 HLA-B27(−) probands1/7 (14.3%)0/5 (0%)0.38
 New York(+) and HLA-B27(+) AS probands5/53 (9.4%)4/11 (36.4%)5.49 (1.18 to 25.47)0.019
 New York(+) and HLA-B27(−) AS probands
 New York(−) and HLA-B27(+) nr-axSpA probands0/9 (0%)1/3 (33.3%)0.07
 New York(−) and HLA-B27(−) nr-axSpA probands1/7 (14.3%)0/5 (0%)0.38
Daughters ofaxSpA daughters/all daughtersaxSpA daughters/all daughters
 HLA-B27(+) probands10/70 (14.3%)8/28 (28.6%)2.40 (0.83 to 6.92)0.10
 New York(+) and HLA-B27(+) AS probands10/66 (15.2%)8/18 (44.4 %)4.48 (1.42 to 14.12)0.0073
  • OR: Ratio of odds of children with axSpA from mother with AS and odds of children with axSpA from father with AS.

  • *HLA-B27 of seven children unknown.

  • AS, ankylosing spondylitis; axSpA, axial spondyloarthritis; nr-axSpA, non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis .