Table 2

Definitions and estimated statistical characteristics of C-Change scales representing dimensions of the culture, EULAR and EMEUNET members, 324 responses*

Scale and item descriptionsNumber of itemsCronbach’s α†Mean female‡
Mean male‡ (N=92)P value
Leadership aspirations: aspiring to be a leader in rheumatology.
Want to make positive change; aspire to be a leader in rheumatology
Self-efficacy: confidence in ability to advance in career.
Confident in ability to progress in career and overcome barriers to advancement
Work–life integration: institutional support for managing work–life and personal responsibilities.
Institutional support for managing work–life integration, able to take time for personal/family issues and maintain a reasonable balance
Gender equity: perceptions of equity for women.
Perceive that their institution treats female faculty members equitably and supports advancement of women
  • *Including one respondent who identified themselves as third gender.

  • †The closer Cronbach’s α reliability coefficients is to 1.0, the higher the consistency of responses and the less variance in responses is accounted for by measurement error.

  • ‡Means of responses scored on a 5-point scale from strongly disagree (=1) to strongly agree (=5).

  • EMEUNET, Emerging EULAR Network.