Table 2

Association of mitochondrial DNA haplogroups with osteoarthritis and elite athletes from African and Asian descent population.

B↓ Southern Chinese34
↑ Korean9
↓ Korean (endurance*)36
FNR↑ Korean37 and Japanese (power*)38
G↑ Southern Chinese34↑ Japanese (G1†) (endurance*)38
L0, L3NR↑ Kenyan (L0†) (endurance; international*)41
↓ Kenyan (L3†) (endurance; international*)41
MNR↑ Korean (endurance*)36 and Kenyan (endurance; national*)41
NNR↑ Korean (N9†) (endurance*)36
  • ↑ increased percentage of representation of the haplogroup in individuals from the population studied; ↓ decreased percentage of the haplogroup in individuals from the population studied.

  • *Type of sport, endurance and power; and international or sports performed at the international (Olympic) level.

  • †Specific cluster studied.

  • NR, not reported.