Table 1

Baseline characteristics before and after multiple imputation and propensity score matching

TCZ-treated patientsPatients without TCZ, potential controls
Before MICE and PSMRandomly drawn data set after MICE and PSM
Age (mean±SD; years)50.9±13.556.8±13.70.4348.4±15.10.18
 Female (n, %)73 (78.5)2637 (82.9)0.1173 (78.5)<0.001
Systemic sclerosis subtype
 Diffuse (n, %)49 (57.6.)1319 (41.6)0.3352 (55.9)0.02
Immunosuppressive co-therapy
 Yes70 (80.5)882 (29.4)1.2075 (80.6)<0.001
Prednisone ≥10 mg/day (n, %)41 (48.8)214 (7.5)1.0416 (17.2)0.68
Cyclophosphamide (n, %)146 (5.0)6 (7.2)
Methotrexate (n, %)36 (50.0)336 (11.3)0.9231 (33.3)0.22
Azathioprine (n, %)6 (9.2)198 (6.7)0.0920 (21.5)0.45
Mycophenolate mofetil (n, %)4 (6.7)232 (7.8)0.0518 (19.4)0.39
D-Penicillamine (n, %)21 (0.7)0 (0.0)
Rituximab within 6 months (n, %)1 (1.1)42 (1.3)0.021 (1.1)<0.001
Imatinib (n, %)0 (0.0)1 (0.0)0 (0.0)
TNF-alpha antagonist (n, %)0 (0.0)10 (0.3)0.080 (0.0)<0.001
Abatacept (n, %)1 (1.1)1 (1.1)
Disease duration (mean±SD, years)6.4±5.410.6±7.50.656.2±4.90.04
Autoantibodies positive
 ANA (n, %)73 (92.4)2789 (95.7)0.1478 (96.3)0.17
 ACA (n, %)12 (16.7)1054 (38.0)0.4910 (13.5)0.09
 Anti-Scl-70 (n, %)54 (65.1)1013 (36.3)0.6042 (53.8)0.23
CRP ≥5 mg/L (n, %)49 (56.3)250 (8.0)1.2111 (12.1)1.054
ESR >25 mm/h (n, %)38 (54.3)867 (30.4)0.5029 (34.9)0.40
Baseline mRSS (median, IQR)14.0 (6.0, 22.2)6.0 (2.0, 11.0)0.7911.0 (6.0, 21.0)0.07
Baseline FVC % predicted (mean±SD)84.9±19.695.8±21.60.5288.0±22.80.01
Baseline DLCO % predicted (mean±SD)62.2±22.467.5±19.90.2565.1 (19.0)0.12
HRCT or X-ray positive for ILD (n, %)49 (73.1)1276 (48.3)0.5337 (47.4)0.54
Digital ulcers (n, %)16 (17.8)274 (12.2)0.1612 (18.5)0.02
Joint synovitis (n, %)44 (62.0)320 (10.2)1.2814 (15.4)1.09
Tendon friction rubs (n, %)25 (31.2)184 (6.0)0.6911 (12.1)0.48
  • Demographics and clinical characteristics are defined according to EUSTAR criteria.39 The standardised mean difference (SMD) is a measure for assessing balance of distributions, values <0.1 indicate balanced covariates between matched samples.

  • ACA, anti-centromere antibodies; ANA, antinuclear antibodies; anti-Scl-70, anti-topoisomerase antibodies; CRP, C reactive protein; DLCO, diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; FVC, forced vital capacity; ILD, interstitial lung disease; MICE, multiple imputation using chained equations; mRSS, modified Rodnan skin score; PSM, propensity score matching; RNA-pol III, anti-polymerase III; TCZ, tocilizumab.