Table 2

Association of infectious and non-infectious manifestations of PADs with inflammatory arthritis.

No arthritis
OR (95% CI)P valueq
Recurrent upper RTIs, n (%)42 (95.45)180 (80.36)5.13 (1.39 to 22.22)0.0148*0.0622
Recurrent lower RTIs, n (%)34 (72.27)145 (64.73)1.85 (0.90 to 3.76)0.1178 (ns)0.3298
Bronchiectasis, n (%)12 (27.27)44 (19.64)1.53 (0.74 to 3.16)0.3096 (ns)0.5201
GLILD, n (%)4 (9.09)19 (8.48)1.08 (0.38 to 3.07)1.0000 (ns)0.8842
Granulomatous disease, n (%)6 (13.64)22 (9.82)1.45 (0.57 to 3.66)0.4256 (ns)0.5958
Lymphadenopathy, n (%)20 (45.45)96 (42.86)1.11 (0.59 to 2.15)0.8680 (ns)0.8578
Splenomegaly, n (%)12 (27.27)13 (5.80)6.09 (2.66 to 13.95)0.0001****0.0008
Autoimmune phenomena, n (%)19 (43.18)99 (44.20)0.96 (0.51 to 1.85)1.0000 (ns)0.8842
Autoimmune cytopenia, n (%)9 (20.45)36 (15.18)1.34 (0.59 to 3.03)0.3745 (ns)0.5720
ITP, n (%)9 (20.45)28 (12.5)1.80 (0.75 to 4.04)0.1594 (ns)0.3826
AIHA, n (%)1 (2.27)14 (6.25)0.35 (0.003 to 2.25)0.4780 (ns)0.6177
Psoriasis, n (%)4 (9.09)9 (20.45)2.39 (0.78 to 8.13)0.2383 (ns)0.4448
Vitiligo, n (%)3 (6.82)7 (3.13)2.27 (0.62 to 8.67)0.2151 (ns)0.4448
Atopic disease, n (%)16 (36.36)33 (14.73)3.31 (1.62 to 6.77)0.0021**0.0118
Thyreoidopathy, n (%)6 (13.64)13 (5.80)2.56 (0.92 to 6.96)0.0992 (ns)0.3298
Enteropathies, n (%)33 (75)41 (18.30)13.39 (6.32 to 28.87)0.0001****0.0008
Atrophic gastritis, n (%)2 (4.55)6 (2.68)1.73 (0.34 to 7.16)0.6217 (ns)0.6963
Recurrent GI infections, n (%)7 (15.91)43 (19.20)0.80 (0.31 to 1.82)0.6784 (ns)0.7123
Malignancy, n (%)6 (13.64)24 (10.71)1.32 (0.52 to 3.26)0.6012 (ns)0.6963
  • *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ****P<0.0001.

  • P values were adjusted for Benjamini-Hochberg FDR, selected threshold of 5% meaning p values <0.0089 were considered ‘discoveries’ (marked with bold characters).

  • AIHA, autoimmune haemolytic anaemia; GI, gastrointestinal; GLILD, granulomatous and lymphocytic interstitial lung disease; ITP, immune thrombocytopenic purpura; ns, non-significant; PAD, primary antibody deficiency; RTI, respiratory tract infection.