Table 1

Characteristics of study participants

Patients with RA who have genotype data (n=2444)Patients with RA who have chest CT*P value in multivariable analysis
P value in univariate analysis
Age at RA diagnosis43.0±12.845.9±13.050.9±12.345.0±13.01.3×10−51.4×10−4
Age at ILD diagnosis65.7±10.7
Sex, female2141 (87.6)573 (83.9)82 (78.1)491 (84.9)0.0790.807
 Never2025/2434 (83.2)542/680 (79.4)79 (75.2)463/575 (80.5)
 Ever221/2434 (9.1)71/680 (10.4)15 (14.3)56/575 (9.7)0.1520.662
 Current188/2434 (7.7)67/680 (9.8)11 (10.5)56/575 (9.7)0.6890.974
RF positivity2058/2428 (84.8)619/683 (90.6)99 (94.3)520 (90.4)0.2040.273
Anti-CCP antibody positivity2097 (85.8)610 (89.3)101 (96.2)509 (88.1)0.0130.064
ILD pattern on chest CT*
 UIP (or probable UIP)63 (60.0)
 Other than UIP†42 (40.0)
  • Values are presented as estimated means±SD or N (%).

  • *Of the patients who had chest CT scans, 11 patients with organising pneumonia were excluded.

  • †Patients with RA-ILD with other than UIP had the following patterns on chest CT: non-specific interstitial pneumonia or indeterminate for UIP.

  • CCP, citrullinated cyclic peptides; noILD, without ILD; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; RA-ILD, rheumatoid arthritis-interstitial lung disease; RF, rheumatoid factor; UIP, usual interstitial pneumonia.